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Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements



Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements is a hands-on guide to the practicalities of pavement engineering – an essential learning tool for students and an indispensible reference for practitioners.


  • ISBN: 9780727741141
  • Páginas: 306
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2011

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Contenido Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements

Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements is a hands-on guide to the practicalities of pavement engineering – an essential learning tool for students and an indispensible reference for practitioners.

This book covers the complete spectrum of pavement types, from footways to runways and from heavily traffi cked roads in the UK to unpaved roads worldwide. Addressing specific practical issues including drainage and vehicle flow, and considering state-of-the-art data collection techniques for pavement evaluation, the author equips readers with the knowledge and tools to make judgements on appropriate maintenance strategies for a wide range of pavements.

    Numerous international examples illustrating the causes of failures and their practical solutions.
    Wide-ranging coverage including design, preventative maintenance, and investigation and evaluation.
    Accessible, easy to understand narrative style.
    Extensive references for wider reading and further study.

Deterioration and Maintenance of Pavements is a comprehensive and instructive manual. Required reading for students of pavement engineering looking to gain a complete understanding of pavement deterioration and maintenance, this book is also an essential resource for practicing pavement engineers, contractors and local authorities.


Pavements and their Management

1.1.Types of pavement
1.2.Definition and a principle
1.3.The incidence of pavements
1.4.Range of loading
1.5.Objectives of a pavement
1.6.Questions relating to pavement management
1.7.Highway statistics in the UK
1.8.Funding and delivery of highway maintenance in the UK
1.9.Estimated value of highway asset
1.10. Highway management
1.11. Pavement management system (PMS)
1.12. Developments in delivery and processes

Footways and Walkways

2.2.Users of the footway and their expectations
2.3.Objectives of footways and walkways
2.4.The legal position in the UK
2.5.Design of footways and walkways
2.6.Structural design of footways and walkways
2.7.Construction of footways and walkways
2.8.Whole life cost

Generic Pavement Types

3.1 Introduction
3.2.Generic pavement types
3.3.Prehistoric trackways
3.4.Roman roads
3.5.Unpaved roads
3.6.Stone causeways
3.7.Macadam type construction
3.8.Telford type construction
3.9.Sett paved construction
3.10.Evolved pavements
3.11.Flexible pavements
3.12.Flexible composite pavements
3.13.Concrete slab pavements
3.14.Continuously reinforced concrete pavements
3.15.Block paving

Deterioration of Pavement

4.1.Purpose of a pavement
4.2.Modes of failure
4.3.Bearing capacity of the formation – why a pavement?
4.4.Frost damage to pavements
4.5.Failure of constituent materials due to fatigue
4.6.Failure of constituent materials due to poor construction and environmental exposure
4.7.Pavements with lean mix concrete
4.8.Earth and unpaved roads – deterioration
4.9.Deterioration – the effects of materials and construction
4.10.Deterioration resulting from expanding sub-base materials
4.11.Pavements – overall deterioration factors
4.12.Factors affecting the deterioration of pavements

Pavement Evaluation and Data Collection

5.2.Locational referencing
5.4.Utility apparatus
5.5.Topography, geology and soil conditions
5.6.Drainage records
5.7.Original design data
5.8.Maintenance history
5.10.Remaining attributes

Visual Distress on Pavement Surfaces

6.2.Generic defects on an asphalt surface
6.3.Visual condition of the surface
6.4.Visual survey for rehabilitation
6.6.A graphical approach to describing distress

Traffic Loading

7.2.Wear factor (equivalent standard axle)
7.3.Current research
7.4.Standard axles per vehicle
7.5.Tyre pressure
7.6.Axle weighing
7.7.Direction effect
7.8.Lane factor (L)
7.9.Growth factor (G)
7.10.Channelisation factor (C)
7.11.Wear factor – UK (DMRB)
7.12.Calculation of traffic load

Construction Inventory

8.2.Trial pits
8.4.Dynamic cone penetrometer
8.5.Laboratory tests
8.6.Ground penetrating radar

Skid Resistance

9.2.Skid resistance measuring equipment
9.3.Practical issues
9.4.Development of a skid resistance policy


10.2.Measuring equipment and its development
10.3.International Roughness Index (IRI)
10.4.Rationale behind the IRI
10.6.Range of values of IRI
10.7.Recent developments in data collection equipment
10.8.Present position in the UK
10.9.Highways Agency interim advice note 42/05
10.10.Use of IRI for future problem location – a US case study
10.11.Use of IRI in the US to monitor construction quality
10.12.UK new pavements

Drainage of Pavements

11.2.Cost of drainage and its maintenance
11.3.Surface drainage
11.4.Piped drainage systems
11.5.Subsurface and subsoil drainage
11.6.Channel sweeping and fallen leaves
11.7.Maintenance of subsurface drainage systems
11.8.Effects of pavement drainage repairs
11.9.Rational budget
11.10.Drainage – a relevant inventory
11.11.Inspection frequencies

Repair and Maintenance of Unpaved Roads

15.2.Typical unpaved road defects
15.3.Design of unpaved roads

Elemental Paving

16.2.Natural stone sett paving
16.3.Block paving
16.4.The laying procedure
16.5.Bedding sand
16.6.Modes of failure of block paving
16.7.Heavy duty block paving
16.8.Contemporary grouted natural stone paving

Concrete Pavements

17.3.Non-structural maintenance
17.4.Structural maintenance
17.5.Problems in evaluation of a concrete pavement
17.6.Options available for strengthening a concrete pavement
17.7.Design of overlays – can be concrete or bituminous
17.9.Thickness design of concrete roads
17.10.Industrial concrete pavement
17.11.Industrial concrete ground slabs – case study
17.12.Concrete road slabs – crack and seat

Pavement Design

18.2.Design process
18.3.Failure of a pavement
18.4.Loads, stresses and strains
18.5.Design load in units of msa not life in units of years
18.6.Development of pavement design in the UK
18.7.Pavement design outside the UK

Mechanistic-empirical Pavement Design Principles

19.2.Basic concepts
19.3.Reasons for using mechanistic-empirical principles
19.4.Layered elastic systemsSome thoughts

Analytical Pavement Design – General Principles

20.2.Design criteria
20.3.E moduli
20.4.Poisson's ratio
20.5.Analytical pavement design in the UK (Highways Agency)
20.6.Loading time
20.7.Additional effect
20.8.Permissible strains
20.9.Asphalt temperature correction

Strengthening of Pavements

21.1.Overlay design principles based on FWD data
21.2.Translating theory into reality
21.3.Segmenting into reasonably homogeneous sections
21.4.Statistical analysis
21.5.Dealing with a volatile numbers set
21.6.Presentation of FWD-derived data
21.7.Practical considerations
21.8.What are the possible maintenance options?
21.9.Strengthening by partial reconstruction

Glossary of Terms


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