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Highway Engineering Pavements, Materials and Control of Quality



Highway Engineering: Pavements, Materials and Control of Quality covers the basic principles of pavement management, highlights recent advancements, and details the latest industry standards and techniques in the global market. Utilizing the author’s more than 30 years of teaching, researching, and consulting experience, this text focuses on the design, construction, maintenance, and management of pavements for roads and highways, and covers the main topics in highway engineering.


  • ISBN: 978-1-46-657996-5
  • Páginas: 924
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2014

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: Inmediata

Contenido Highway Engineering Pavements, Materials and Control of Quality

Highway Engineering: Pavements, Materials and Control of Quality covers the basic principles of pavement management, highlights recent advancements, and details the latest industry standards and techniques in the global market. Utilizing the author’s more than 30 years of teaching, researching, and consulting experience, this text focuses on the design, construction, maintenance, and management of pavements for roads and highways, and covers the main topics in highway engineering. The author integrates pavement materials, material testing for acceptability and quality assurance, asphalt mix design, flexible and rigid pavement design, construction, maintenance and strengthening procedures, quality control of production and acceptance of asphalts, pavement evaluation, asphalt plants, and pavement recycling. He also includes both European and American (ASTM and AASHTO) standards and practice, and is extensively illustrated with references, tables, graphs, charts, and photographs.

The book contains 18 chapters that cover:

    Soils for roadworks
    Aggregates for unbound, hydraulically bound materials, and bituminous mixtures
    Bitumen and bituminous binders
    Laboratory tests and properties of paving bitumen and bitumen emulsion
    Hot and cold bituminous mixtures
    Fundamental mechanical properties of bituminous mixtures and testing
    Production, transportation, laying, and compaction of bituminous mixtures
    Quality control and acceptance of bituminous mixtures
    Methods for determining stresses and strains in pavements
    Pavement design and construction
    Thickness design methodologies for flexible and rigid pavements
    Pavement maintenance
    Rehabilitation and strengthening
    Pavement evaluation
    Equipment for measuring surface and structural characteristics
    Pavement management
    Pavement recycling

Written for civil engineering students and engineers engaged in highway projects or laboratory testing, Highway Engineering: Pavements, Materials and Control of Quality covers pavement engineering comprehensively as a textbook for undergraduates and graduates, and a valuable reference for practicing professionals.

"This new book is a useful addition to the library of books in English about highway engineering, the extensive coverage of which is all highly relevant and should make it a favourite with most highway engineers and engineering students. …Having adjacent sections on the European, American and/or Australian standards and techniques for various aspects makes it very useful to students looking at different approaches, to practising engineers working in different countries, and to researchers looking to extend the knowledge from existing practice.

—Dr J C (Cliff) Nicholls, TRL Limited, UK

"The most impressive section of the book to my mind, which is not covered in nearly as much depth in other texts, is the treatment of bituminous materials… in particular their characteristics, appropriate methods to characterize their performance in the laboratory, and means of building and maintaining a road using these materials. In addition the book provides a comprehensive coverage of the constituent layers of a road pavement, the material properties of these layers and associated laboratory tests required to characterize these. The different types of methods appropriate to structural design are covered nicely, as are methods of recycling and maintenance."

—Michael Burrow, Senior Lecturer, University of Birmingham, UK

Table Contents


The formation of soils
Soil fractions
Physical properties of soils
Basic soil tests
Soil classification
Soil bearing capacity tests
Plate bearing test – modulus of reaction (k)
Resistance R value test
Elastic modulus and resilient modulus of soils
Compaction of soil materials on site
Density tests in situ


Crushed aggregates
Natural aggregates
Mine waste
Demolition materials
Artificial aggregates
Recycled (pulverised) aggregates
Aggregate sizes
Aggregate tests
Geometrical properties determination tests
Physical properties determination tests
Chemical properties tests
Petrographic description of aggregates
Blending two or more aggregates

Bitumen, bituminous binders and anti-stripping agents

Natural asphalt
Manufactured bitumen
Cut-back and fluxed bituminous binders
Bitumen emulsions
Anti-stripping agents
Modified bitumens and special bitumens
Handling of bituminous binders

Laboratory tests and properties of bitumen and bitumen emulsion

Penetration test
Softening point test (Left)
Penetration index
Ductility test
Force ductility test
Elastic recovery test
Fraass breaking point
Heukelom chart – bitumen test data chart
Resistance to hardening tests
Flash and fire point – cleveland open cup method
Solubility test
Tensile test
Cohesion with pendulum test
Storage stability test
Mineral matter or ash in asphalt materials
Capillary-stoppered pycnometer test for determination of density and specific gravity of bitumen
Determination of water in bitumen by distillation method
Bitumen emulsion tests
Mechanical properties of bitumen
Performance-graded asphalt binder tests

Hot asphalts

Determination and role of asphalts
Characteristic types of asphalts
Asphalt concrete
AC for very thin layers
Porous asphalt
HRA in accordance to European standards
Stone mastic asphalt
Mastic asphalt
Soft asphalt
High-modulus asphalts
Warm mix asphalts
Other types of asphalts

Cold asphalts

Characteristic types of cold asphalts
Dense-graded cold asphalts
Open-graded cold asphalts
Production of cold asphalt mixtures
Laying and compaction of cold asphalt mixtures
Quality control of cold asphalt mixtures
Cold asphalts for slurry surfacing
Annex 6.A
Coating test
Annex 6.B
Modified Marshall mix design for dense- graded cold asphalt (DGCA)
Specimen production and Marshall testing
Annex 6.C
Soaking test – capillary water absorption test

Fundamental mechanical properties of asphalts and laboratory tests

Stiffness modulus of asphalts
Types of loading
Determination of stiffness modulus and other moduli
Prediction of asphalt stiffness
Permanent deformation of asphalts
Fatigue of asphalts

Production, transportation, laying and compaction of hot mix asphalts

Types of asphalt production plants
Batch plants
Drum-mix plants
Transportation of hot mix asphalts
Compaction of asphalts
Annex .A

Quality control of production and acceptance of asphalts

Methods of material sampling
Inspection and testing of incoming constituent materials and delivered product
Acceptance of delivered and laid asphalt
Methods for determination of binder content

Layers of flexible pavement

Capping layer
Sub-base course
Base course
Asphalt layers
Poisson’s ratio of paving and subgrade materials

Methods determining stresses and deflections


Traffic and traffic assessment

Axle loads
Vehicle classification
Overloaded vehicles
Measurement of vehicle axle load
Contact area and pressure
The concept of equivalent standard axle loading –equivalency factors for flexible pavements
Equivalency factors for rigid pavements

Flexible pavement design methodologies

Asphalt institute pavement design methodology
AASHTO pavement design methodology
UK flexible pavement design methodology
AUTh flexible pavement design methodology
Shell flexible pavement design methodology
French flexible pavement design methodology
Australian flexible pavement design methodology
The Nottingham University/mobil design method
Other pavement design methods
AASHTO mechanistic–empirical pavement design guide

Rigid pavements and design methodologies

Subgrade and layers of rigid pavements
Consideration of stresses that developed on a concrete slab
Cracking of fresh and hardened concrete
Joints in concrete pavements
Contraction joints
Expansion joints
Sealants and joint fillers
Warping joints
Joints attributed to interruption of works
The function of steel reinforcement
Amount and position of reinforcement
Jointed reinforced concrete pavements
Continuously reinforced concrete pavements
Pre-stressed concrete
Fibre-reinforced concrete
Rigid pavement design methodologies
UK rigid pavement design methodology
AASHTO rigid pavement design methodology
Australian rigid pavement design methodology
MEPDG for rigid pavements
Construction of rigid pavements

Pavement maintenance rehabilitation and strengthening

Maintenance, rehabilitation and pavement life
Typical surface distresses in flexible pavements
Cracking in flexible pavements
Retardation of reflective cracking treatments and asphalt reinforcement techniques
Surface distortions in flexible pavements
Disintegration of flexible pavements
Loss of surface skid resistance
Typical distresses in rigid pavements
Cracking of rigid pavements
Surface deformation in rigid pavements
Disintegration of rigid pavements
Loss of surface skid resistance
Surface dressing
Pavement strengthening
Asphalt overlay design methods over flexible pavements
Asphalt overlay over rigid pavement
Concrete overlay over rigid or flexible pavement
AASHTO overlay design method

Pavement evaluation and measurement of functional and structural characteristics

Pavement evaluation
Functional evaluation by visual condition survey
Functional evaluation by devices measuring surface characteristics
Structural evaluation of pavements

Pavement management

Terms – definitions
Purpose of pavement management
Levels of pavement management analysis
Pavement management components
Software for pavement management

Pavement recycling

What pavement recycling is offering
Pavement recycling methods
Cold milling (planning)
Hot recycling
Cold recycling
Evaluation of RA
Suitability of RA
Hot recycling mix design
Cold recycling mix design
Pavement design using recycled asphalt
Recycling of rigid pavements


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