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Landslides Types, Mechanisms and Modeling



Landslides have geological causes but can be triggered by natural processes (rainfall, snowmelt, erosion and earthquakes) or by human actions such as agriculture and construction. Research aimed at better understanding slope stability and failure has accelerated in recent years, accompanied by basic field research and numerical modeling of slope failure processes, mechanisms of debris movement, and landslide causes and triggers.


  • ISBN: 9781107002067
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición: 43ª
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2012

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Landslides Types, Mechanisms and Modeling

Landslides have geological causes but can be triggered by natural processes (rainfall, snowmelt, erosion and earthquakes) or by human actions such as agriculture and construction. Research aimed at better understanding slope stability and failure has accelerated in recent years, accompanied by basic field research and numerical modeling of slope failure processes, mechanisms of debris movement, and landslide causes and triggers. Written by 75 world-leading researchers and practitioners, this book provides a state-of-the-art summary of landslide science. It features both field geology and engineering approaches, as well as modeling of slope failure and run-out using a variety of numerical codes. It is illustrated with international case studies integrating geological, geotechnical and remote sensing studies and includes recent slope investigations in North America, Europe and Asia. This is an essential reference for researchers and graduate students in geomorphology, engineering geology, geotechnical engineering and geophysics, as well as professionals in natural hazard analysis.

    Summarizes in an accessible manner the recent advances in field study and numerical modelling, enabling readers to form a cutting-edge overview of the field
    Methods and data in the book have important applications in the field of natural hazard analysis, assisting in the reduction of threat from landslides to people and property
    Includes classic case studies of landslides not previously well described in research literature, providing key lessons for understanding landslides

john j. clague and douglas stead

1 Landslide hazard and risk
 - john j. clague and nicholas j. roberts

2 Landslides in the Earth system
- oliver korup

3 Earthquake ground motion and patterns of seismically induced landsliding
- niels hovius and patrick meunier

4 Landslides at stratovolcanoes initiated by volcanic unrest
- christopher f. waythomas

5 Mobility of long-runout rock avalanches
- tim davies and mauri mcsaveney

6 Rapid rock-slope failures
 - reginald l. hermanns and oddvar longva

7 Risk assessments for debris flows
- matthias jakob and kris holm

8 Landslides in quick clay
- j. kenneth torrance

9 Controls on the distribution of major types of submarine landslides
- david j. w. piper, david c. mosher, and d. calvin campbell

10 Tsunami hazard assessment related to slope failures in coastal waters
- brian d. bornhold and richard e. thomson

11 Physical impacts of climate change on landslide occurrence and related adaptation
- christian huggel, nikolay khabarov, oliver korup, and michael obersteiner

12 Landslides and geologic environments
- robin fell, david stapledon, and patrick macgregor

13 Numerical modeling of rock-slope instability
- douglas stead and john coggan

14 Remote sensing techniques and landslides
david petley

15 Engineering geomorphology of landslides
- james s. griffiths and malcolm whitworth

16 Developments in landslide runout prediction
- scott mcdougall, mika mckinnon, and oldrich hungr

17 Models of the triggering of landslides during earthquakes
- randall w. jibson

18 Slow rock-slope deformation
- federico agliardi, giovanni b. crosta, and paolo frattini

19 Landslide monitoring: The role of investigative monitoring to improve understanding and early warning of failure
- erik eberhardt

20 Groundwater in slopes
luciano picarelli, serge leroueil, lucio olivares, luca pagano, paolo tommasi, and gianfranco urciuoli

21 Soil slope stabilization
- edward n. bromhead, seyyedmahdi hosseyni, and nobuyuki torii

22 Rockfall characterization and modeling
- paolo frattini, giovanni b. crosta, and federico agliardi

23 The 2006 Eiger rockslide, European Alps
-michel jaboyedoff, marc-henri derron, julien jakubowski, thierry oppikofer, and andrea pedrazzini

24 Randa: Kinematics and driving mechanisms of a large complex rockslide
- simon loew, valentin gischig, heike willenberg, andrea alpiger, and jeffrey r. moore

25 Characterization and management of rockslide hazard at Turtle Mountain, Alberta, Canada
corey r. froese, marie charrière, florian humair, michel jaboyedoff, and andrea pedrazzini

26 The Åknes rockslide, Norway
-  lars harald blikra

27 A seismometric approach for back-analyzing an unusual rockfall in the Apennines of Italy
- gianluca bianchi fasani, carlo esposito, luca lenti, salvatore martino, massimo pecci, and gabriele scarascia mugnozza

28 Downie Slide, British Columbia, Canada
- katherine s. kalenchuk, d. jean hutchinson,  mark diederichs, and dennis moore

29 The 1963 Vaiont landslide, Italy
- monica ghirotti

30 Hong Kong landslides
- stephen r. hencher and andrew w. malone

31 Landslides induced by the Wenchuan earthquake
- masahiro chigira, gonghui wang, and xiyong wu

32 Landslides on other planets
- marko h. k. bulmer



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