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Steel Designers' Manual



Introduction to the seventh edition In 2010 the then current European national standards for building and construction were replaced by the EN Eurocodes, a set of pan-European model building codes developed by the European Committee for Standardization. The Eurocodes are a series of 10 European Standards (EN 1990 – EN 1999) that provide a common approach for the design of buildings, other civil engineering works and construction products.


  • ISBN: 978-1-4051-8940-8
  • Páginas: 1400
  • Tamaño: 17X24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2012

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Steel Designers' Manual

Introduction to the seventh edition In 2010 the then current European national standards for building and construction were replaced by the EN Eurocodes, a set of pan-European model building codes developed by the European Committee for Standardization. The Eurocodes are a series of 10 European Standards (EN 1990 – EN 1999) that provide a common approach for the design of buildings, other civil engineering works and construction products. The design standards embodied in these Eurocodes will be used for all European public works and are set to become the de-facto standard for the private sector in Europe, with probable adoption in many other countries.

This classic manual on structural steelwork design was first published in 1955, since when it has sold many tens of thousands of copies worldwide. For the seventh edition of the Steel Designers' Manual all chapters have been comprehensively reviewed, revised to ensure they reflect current approaches and best practice, and brought in to compliance with EN 1993: Design of Steel Structures (the so-called Eurocode 3).



1 Introduction – designing to the Eurocodes 1

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Creation of the Eurocodes

1.3 Structure of the Eurocodes

1.4 Non-contradictory complementary information – NCCI

1.5 Implementation in the UK

1.6 Benefits of designing to the Eurocodes

1.7 Industry support for the introduction of the Eurocodes

1.8 Conclusions

2 Integrated design for successful steel construction

2.1 Client requirements for whole building performance, value and impact

2.2 Design for sustainability

2.3 Design for overall economy

2.4 Conclusions

References to Chapter 2

3 Loading to the Eurocodes

3.1 Imposed loads

3.2 Imposed loads on roofs

3.3 Snow loads

3.4 Accidental actions

3.5 Combinations of actions

References to Chapter 3

Worked example


4 Single-storey buildings

4.1 The roles for steel in single-storey buildings

4.2 Design for long term performance

4.3 Anatomy of structure

4.4 Loading

4.5 Common types of primary frame

4.6 Preliminary design of portal frames

4.7 Bracing

4.8 Design of portal frames to BS EN 1993-1-1

References to Chapter 4

Worked example

5 Multi-storey buildings

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Costs and construction programme

5.3 Understanding the design brief

5.4 Structural arrangements to resist sway

5.5 Stabilising systems

5.6 Columns

5.7 Floor systems

References to Chapter 5

6 Industrial steelwork

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Anatomy of structure

6.3 Loading

6.4 Thermal effects

6.5 Crane girder/lifting beam design

6.6 Structure in its wider context

References to Chapter 6

Further reading for Chapter 6

7 Special steel structures

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Space frame structures: 3-dimensional grids based on regular solids

7.3 Lightweight tension steel cable structures

7.4 Lightweight compression steel structures

7.5 Steel for stadiums

7.6 Information and process in the current digital age – the development of technology

References to Chapter 7

Further reading for Chapter 7

8 Light steel structures and modular construction

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Building applications

8.3 Benefits of light steel construction

8.4 Light steel building elements

8.5 Modular construction

8.6 Hybrid construction

8.7 Structural design issues

8.8 Non-structural design issues

References to Chapter 8

9 Secondary steelwork

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Issues for consideration

9.3 Applications

References to Chapter 9


10 Applied metallurgy of steel

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Chemical composition

10.3 Heat treatment

10.4 Manufacture and effect on properties

10.5 Engineering properties and mechanical tests

10.6 Fabrication effects and service performance

10.7 Summary

References to Chapter 10

Further reading for Chapter 10

11 Failure processes

11.1 Fracture

11.2 Linear elastic fracture mechanics

11.3 Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics

11.4 Materials testing for fracture properties

11.5 Fracture-safe design

11.6 Fatigue

11.7 Final comments

References to Chapter 11

Further reading for Chapter 11


12 Analysis

12.1 Introduction

12.2 The basics

12.3 Analysis and design

12.4 Analysis by hand

12.5 Analysis by software

12.6 Analysis of multi-storey buildings

12.7 Portal frame buildings

12.8 Special structural members

12.9 Very important issues

References to Chapter 12

13 Structural vibration

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Causes of vibration

13.3 Perception of vibration

13.4 Types of response

13.5 Determining the modal properties

13.6 Calculating vibration response

13.7 Acceptability criteria

13.8 Practical considerations

13.9 Synchronised crowd activities

References to Chapter 13


14 Local buckling and cross-section classification

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Cross-sectional dimensions and moment-rotation behaviour

14.3 Effect of moment-rotation behaviour on approach to design and analysis

14.4 Classification table

14.5 Economic factors

References to Chapter 14

15 Tension members

15.1 Introduction

15.2 Types of tension member

15.3 Design for axial tension

15.4 Combined bending and tension

15.5 Eccentricity of end connections

15.6 Other considerations 472

15.7 Cables

Further reading for Chapter 15

16 Columns and struts

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Common types of member

16.3 Design considerations

16.4 Cross-sectional considerations

16.5 Column buckling resistance

16.6 Torsional and flexural-torsional buckling

16.7 Effective (buckling) lengths Lcr

16.8 Special types of strut

16.9 Economic points

References to Chapter 16

Further reading for Chapter 16

Worked example

17 Beams

17.1 Introduction

17.2 Common types of beam

17.3 Cross-section classification and moment resistance Mc,Rd

17.4 Basic design

17.5 Laterally unrestrained beams

17.6 Beams with web openings

References to Chapter 17

Worked example

18 Plate girders

18.1 Introduction

18.2 Advantages and disadvantages

18.3 Initial choice of cross-section for plate girders

18.4 Design of plate girders to BS EN 1993-1-5

References to Chapter 18

Worked example

19 Members with compression and moments

19.1 Occurrence of combined loading

19.2 Types of response – interaction

19.3 Effect of moment gradient loading

19.4 Selection of type of cross-section

19.5 Basic design procedure to Eurocode 3

19.6 Special design methods for members in portal frames

References to Chapter 19

Further reading for Chapter 19

Worked example

20 Trusses

20.1 Introduction

20.2 Types of truss

20.3 Guidance on overall concept

20.4 Selection of elements and connections

20.5 Analysis of trusses

20.6 Detailed design considerations for elements

20.7 Bracing

20.8 Rigid-jointed Vierendeel girders

References to Chapter 20

Worked example

21 Composite slabs

21.1 Definition

21.2 General description

21.3 Design for the construction condition 

21.4 Design of composite slabs

21.5 Design for shear and concentrated loads

21.6 Tests on composite slabs

21.7 Serviceability limits and crack control

21.8 Shrinkage and creep

21.9 Fire resistance

References for Chapter 21

Worked example

22 Composite beams

22.1 Introduction

22.2 Material properties

22.3 Composite beams

22.4 Plastic analysis of composite section

22.5 Shear resistance

22.6 Shear connection

22.7 Full and partial shear connection

22.8 Transverse reinforcement

22.9 Primary beams and edge beams

22.10 Continuous composite beams

22.11 Serviceability limit states

22.12 Design tables for composite beams

References to Chapter 22

Worked example

23 Composite columns

23.1 Introduction

23.2 Design of composite columns

23.3 Simplified design method

23.4 Illustrative examples of design of composite columns

23.5 Longitudinal and transverse shear forces

References to Chapter 23

Worked example

24 Design of light gauge steel elements

24.1 Introduction

24.2 Section properties

24.3 Local buckling

24.4 Distortional buckling

24.5 Design of compression members

24.6 Design of members in bending

References to Chapter 24

Worked example

25 Bolting assemblies

25.2 Methods of tightening and their application

25.3 Geometric considerations

25.4 Methods of analysis of bolt groups

25.5 Design strengths

25.6 Tables of resistance

References to Chapter 25

Further reading for Chapter 25

26 Welds and design for welding

26.1 Advantages of welding

26.2 Ensuring weld quality and properties by the use of standards

26.3 Recommendations for cost reduction

26.4 Welding processes

26.5 Geometric considerations

26.6 Methods of analysis of weld groups

26.7 Design strengths

26.8 Concluding remarks

References to Chapter 26

27 Joint design and simple connections

27.1 Introduction

27.2 Simple connections

References to Chapter 27

Worked example

28 Design of moment connections

28.1 Introduction

28.2 Design philosophy

28.3 Tension zone

28.4 Compression zone

28.5 Shear zone

28.6 Stiffeners

28.7 Design moment of resistance of end-plate joints

28.8 Rotational stiffness and rotation capacity

28.9 Summary

References to Chapter 28


29 Foundations and holding-down systems

29.1 Types of foundation

29.2 Design of foundations

29.3 Fixed and pinned column bases

29.4 Pinned column bases – axially loaded I-section columns

29.5 Design of fixed column bases

29.6 Holding-down systems

References to Chapter 29

Further reading for Chapter 29

Worked example

30 Steel piles and steel basements

30.1 Introduction

30.2 Types of steel piles

30.3 Geotechnical uncertainty

30.4 Choosing a steel basement

30.5 Detailed basement design: Introduction

30.6 Detailed basement designs: Selection of soil parameters

30.7 Detailed basement design: Geotechnical analysis

30.8 Detailed basement design: Structural design

30.9 Other design details

30.10 Constructing a steel basement: Pile installation techniques

30.11 Specification and site control

30.12 Movement and monitoring

References to Chapter 30

Further reading for Chapter 30


31 Design for movement in structures

31.1 Introduction

31.2 Effects of temperature variation

31.3 Spacing of expansion joints 962

31.4 Design for movement in typical single-storey industrial steel buildings

31.5 Design for movement in typical multi-storey buildings

31.6 Treatment of movement joints

31.7 Use of special bearings

References to Chapter 31

32 Tolerances

32.1 Introduction

32.2 Standards

32.3 Implications of tolerances

32.4 Fabrication tolerances

32.5 Erection tolerances

References to Chapter 32

Further reading for Chapter 32

33 Fabrication

33.1 Introduction

33.2 Economy of fabrication

33.3 Welding

33.4 Bolting

33.5 Cutting

33.6 Handling and routeing of steel

33.7 Quality management

References to Chapter 33

Further reading for Chapter 33

34 Erection

34.1 Introduction

34.2 Method statements, regulations and documentation

34.3 Planning

34.4 Site practices

34.5 Site fabrication and modifications

34.6 Steel decking and shear connectors

34.7 Cranes and craneage

34.8 Safety

34.9 Accidents

References to Chapter 34

Further reading for Chapter 34

35 Fire protection and fire engineering

35.1 Introduction

35.2 Building regulations

35.3 Fire engineering design codes

35.4 Structural performance in fire

35.5 Fire protection materials

35.6 Advanced fire engineering

35.7 Selection of an appropriate approach to fire protection and fire engineering for specific buildings

References to Chapter 35

Worked example

36 Corrosion and corrosion prevention

36.3 Other forms of corrosion

36.4 Corrosion rates

36.5 Effect of the environment

36.6 Design and corrosion

36.7 Surface preparation

36.8 Metallic coatings

36.9 Paint coatings

36.10 Application of paints

36.11 Weather-resistant steels

36.12 The protective treatment specification

Relevant standards


Steel technology

Elastic properties

European standards for structural steels

Design theory

Bending moment, shear and deflection

Second moments of area

Geometric properties of plane sections

Plastic moduli

Formulae for rigid frames

Design of elements and connections

Explanatory notes on section dimensions and properties

Tables of dimensions and gross section properties

Bolt and Weld Data for S275

Bolt and Weld Data for S355


Extracts from Concise Eurocodes


Floor plates


Fire resistance

Section factors for fire design

Corrosion resistance


British and European Standards for steelwork


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