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The Global Restructuring of the Steel Industry.Innovations, Institutions and Industrial Change



Drawing upon case studies of the steel industry in the US, Japan, South Korea, Brazil and India, this book explains how and why the steel industry has shifted from advanced capitalist countries to late industrializing countries. Anthony P. D'Costa examines the relationship between industrial change and institutional responses to technological diffusion. He reveals the governments' and firms' differing responses to innovations lead to an uneven diffusion of technology and industrial reorganization.


  • ISBN: 978-0-415-14827-6
  • Páginas: 248
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2013

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido The Global Restructuring of the Steel Industry.Innovations, Institutions and Industrial Change

Drawing upon case studies of the steel industry in the US, Japan, South Korea, Brazil and India, this book explains how and why the steel industry has shifted from advanced capitalist countries to late industrializing countries. Anthony P. D'Costa examines the relationship between industrial change and institutional responses to technological diffusion. He reveals the governments' and firms' differing responses to innovations lead to an uneven diffusion of technology and industrial reorganization. Moreover, when it becomes clear that existing institutional arrangements no longer serve the industry well, new arrangement are created which allow for innovative behaviour. Often this has created opportunities for technological 'leapfrogging' and the emergence of new technologies in unexpected places.


List of figures

List of tables

The restructuring of the steel industry

An institucional interpretation of steel industry restructuring.An analytical framework

Tecnological change and crisis in the American Steel industry

Tecnological change and rapid industrial development in Japan an South Korea

Tecnological change and institutional challenges in Brazil,India and Korea

Tecnological change and internationalization of the steel industry

Innovations,entrepreneurial breakthroughs and industry restructuring

Interpreting technological change and industrial restructuring

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