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Prestressed Concrete



  • ISBN: 9780655706397
  • Páginas: 657
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Ingles
  • Año: 2022

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Prestressed Concrete

The prime purpose of this new edition of Prestressed Concrete is to take account of important changes that have been made in the new edition of the Australian Standard for Concrete Structures, which appeared in 2018 and Amendment 2 in 2021. Changes include modifications to the rectangular stress-block parameters for flexural strength calculations, modifications to the design clauses for shear and torsion, and changes in the safety coefficients for ultimate strength design which result in a slight reduction in the overall safety margins for design. Samples Preview sample pages from Prestressed Concrete New to this editionThe contents of the book have been extensively revised, updated and rewritten to take account of the many developments in theory and practice that have occurred in the intervening years since the second edition. The treatment of creep and shrinkage effects in prestressed concrete flexural members, in Chapters 4 and 5 and Appendix B, has been simplified by using an approach that is based on the fundamental structural concepts of equilibrium, compatibility and elastic behaviour. The use of more complex visco-elastic analyses has thus been avoided. A greater emphasis has been placed on strut-and-tie modelling in Chapters 7 and 8 to deal with shear, torsion, and anchorage. This reflects recent developments in our knowledge and understanding of this important design tool.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1 Introduction

Prestressed concrete
Prestressing as a design option
Use of high-strength tendons and cables
Methods of prestressing
Anchorage and bond of tendons
Cable profile and level of prestress

CHAPTER 2 Properties of materials

Properties of prestressing steel
Properties of reinforcing steel
Strength properties of concrete
Short-term deformation of concrete
Shrinkage of concrete
Creep of concrete under constant stress
Concrete creep under varying stress

CHAPTER 3 Methods of design and analysis

The structural design process
Design objectives and design criteria for prestressed concrete
Design criteria and structural reliability
AS 3600 design checks for prestressed concrete
The critical stress method of design
Methods of analysis
Strut-and-tie modelling and stress-fields

CHAPTER 4 Flexural behaviour of uncracked members

Short-term behaviour of uncracked beams
Equivalent load concept
Load balancing
Creep and shrinkage effects in beams
Analysis of creep and shrinkage effects
Deflections of uncracked beams

CHAPTER 5 Flexural behaviour in the postcracking range

Cracking moment
Post-cracking flexural behaviour
Elastic analysis for a rectangular cracked section
The effect of prior creep and shrinkage
Cracked section analysis: general trial-and-error method
Non-linear analysis at high overload
Moment-curvature and stress-moment relationships
Deflection calculations
Crack control

CHAPTER 6 Flexural strength analysis

Overload behaviour and ultimate strength
Assumptions for ultimate strength analysis
Rectangular section: calculation of ultimate moment
T- and I-sections: calculation of ultimate moment
Moment capacity with some steel not at yield
Effect of incomplete bond
General analysis by trial strain distributions
Stress in bonded tendons at ultimate
Design considerations
References .

CHAPTER 7 Shear and torsion .

Shear and torsion in prestressed concrete
Overload behaviour in shear and bending
Web reinforcement behaviour in the post-cracking range
Effect of prestress on behaviour in shear
Web-shear cracking load for prestressed members
Strength in shear
Design for shear according to AS 3600
Analysis and design for torsion

CHAPTER 8 Anchorage

Simplified design approach for post-tensioned beams
Anchorage of pretensioning tendons
Design of end blocks using strut-and-tie modelling

CHAPTER 9 Loss of prestress

Types of losses
Elastic loss
Duct friction loss
Anchorage slip
Stress relaxation
AS 3600 calculation of deferred losses
Analytic methods for evaluating deferred losses

CHAPTER 10 Design procedures for statically determinate beams

Structural design .
Choosing the type of construction
Choosing the cross-section
Choosing the prestressing details
Design steps
Discussion of key steps
Design criteria for serviceability
Design examples .

CHAPTER 11 Continuous beams

Advantages of continuous construction
Effects of prestress in continuous beams
Calculating the effects of prestress by the equivalent load method
Cable profiles for continuous post-tensioned beams
Service load behaviour of continuous beams
Deflection calculations for continuous beams
Overload behaviour and flexural strength
Design procedure for continuous beams

CHAPTER 12 Slab systems

Effects of prestress
Effects of prestress plus service load .
Ultimate strength analysis
Design steps for prestressed slabs

APPENDIX A Analysis of uncracked sections .

Uncracked post-tensioned section with reinforcement
Uncracked pretensioned section with reinforcement

APPENDIX B Creep and shrinkage in uncracked flexural members

Introductory note .
Order-of-magnitude estimates of long-term deformations and prestress losses
One-step analysis with age-adjusted effective modulus
Step-by-step analysis
Approximate closed form equations for losses and deformations
Non-uniform shrinkage and creep

APPENDIX C Effects of prior creep and shrinkage on flexural strength

Short-term service load application
Effect on flexural strength
Concluding remarks

APPENDIX D Elastic deflections and end rotations for single-span beams


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