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Wind Loading of Structures



Wind forces from extreme wind events are the dominant loading for many parts of the world, exacerbated by climate change and the continued construction of tall buildings and structures.


  • ISBN: 9780367273262
  • Páginas: 698
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Ingles
  • Año: 2020

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 24 horas

Contenido Wind Loading of Structures

Wind forces from extreme wind events are the dominant loading for many parts of the world, exacerbated by climate change and the continued construction of tall buildings and structures. This authoritative source, for practising and academic structural engineers and graduate students, ties the principles of wind loads on structures to the relevant aspects of meteorology, bluff-body aerodynamics, probability and statistics, and structural dynamics.

This new edition covers:

    Climate change effects on extreme winds – particularly those from tropical cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons

    Modelling of potential wind vulnerability and damage

    Developments in extreme value probability analysis of extreme wind speeds and directions

    Explanation of the difference between ‘return period’ and ‘average recurrence interval’, as well as ‘bootstrapping’ techniques for deriving confidence limits

    Wind over water, and profiles and turbulence in non-synoptic winds

    An expanded chapter on internal pressures produced by wind for various opening and permeability scenarios

    Aerodynamic shaping of high- and low-rise buildings

    Recent developments in five major wind codes and standards

    A new chapter on computational fluid dynamics (CFD), as applied to wind engineering

    A greatly expanded appendix providing the basic information on extreme wind climates for over 140 countries and territories

    Additional examples for many chapters in this book

Table of Contents

1 The nature of windstorms and wind-induced damage

2 Prediction of design wind speeds and structural safety

3 Strong wind characteristics and turbulence

4 Basic bluff-body aerodynamics

5 Resonant dynamic response and effective static

load distributions

6 Internal pressures

7 Laboratory simulation of strong winds and wind loads

8 Low-rise buildings

9 Tall buildings

10 Large roofs and sports stadiums

11 Towers, chimneys and masts

12 Bridges

13 Transmission lines

14 Other structures

15 Wind-loading codes and standards

16 Application of computational fluid dynamics to wind loading

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