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Analysis and Design of Steel and Composite Structures



Steel and composite steel–concrete structures are widely used in modern bridges, buildings, sport stadia, towers, and offshore structures. Analysis and Design of Steel and Composite Structures offers a comprehensive introduction to the analysis and design of both steel and composite structures. It describes the fundamental behaviour of steel and composite members and structures, as well as the current design criteria and procedures given in Australian standards AS/NZS 1170, AS 4100, AS 2327.1, Eurocode 4, and AISC-LRFD specifications.


  • ISBN: 978-0-415-53220-4
  • Páginas: 458
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2014

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Analysis and Design of Steel and Composite Structures

Steel and composite steel–concrete structures are widely used in modern bridges, buildings, sport stadia, towers, and offshore structures. Analysis and Design of Steel and Composite Structures offers a comprehensive introduction to the analysis and design of both steel and composite structures. It describes the fundamental behaviour of steel and composite members and structures, as well as the current design criteria and procedures given in Australian standards AS/NZS 1170, AS 4100, AS 2327.1, Eurocode 4, and AISC-LRFD specifications.

Featuring numerous step-by-step examples that clearly illustrate the detailed analysis and design of steel and composite members and connections, this practical and easy-to-understand text:

• Covers plates, members, connections, beams, frames, slabs, columns, and beam-columns

• Considers bending, axial load, compression, tension, and design for strength and serviceability

• Incorporates the author’s latest research on composite members

Analysis and Design of Steel and Composite Structures is an essential course textbook on steel and composite structures for undergraduate and graduate students of structural and civil engineering, and an indispensable resource for practising structural and civil engineers and academic researchers. It provides a sound understanding of the behaviour of structural members and systems.

Table Contents




Steel and Composite Structures

Limit State Design Philosophy

Basic Concepts and Design Criteria

Strength Limit State

Stability Limit State

Serviceability Limit State
Structural Design Process

Material Properties

Structural Steel

Profiled Steel

Reinforcing Steel


Design Actions


Permanent Actions

Imposed Actions

Wind Actions

Determination of Wind Actions

Regional Wind Speeds

Site Exposure Multipliers

Aerodynamic Shape Factor

Dynamic Response Factor
Combinations of Actions

Combinations of Actions for Strength Limit State

Combinations of Actions for Stability Limit State

Combinations of Actions for Serviceability Limit State


Local Buckling of Thin Steel Plates


Steel Plates Under Uniform Edge Compression

Elastic Local Buckling

Post-Local Buckling

Design of Slender Sections Accounting for Local Buckling
Steel Plates Under In-Plane Bending

Elastic Local Buckling

Ultimate Strength

Design of Beam Sections Accounting for Local Buckling
Steel Plates in Shear

Elastic Local Buckling

Ultimate Strength
Steel Plates in Bending and Shear

Elastic Local Buckling

Ultimate Strength
Steel Plates in Bearing

Elastic Local Buckling

Ultimate Strength
Steel Plates in Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Columns

Elastic Local Buckling

Post-Local Buckling
Double Skin Composite Panels

Local Buckling of Plates Under Biaxial Compression

Post-Local Buckling of Plates Under Biaxial Compression

Local Buckling of Plates Under Biaxial Compression And Shear

Post-Local Buckling of Plates Under Biaxial Compression and Shear

Steel Members Under Bending


Behaviour of Steel Members Under Bending

Properties of Thin-Walled Sections


Second Moment of Area

Torsional and Warping Constants

Elastic Section Modulus
Section Moment Capacity

Member Moment Capacity


Members with Full Lateral Restraint

Members without Full Lateral Restraint

Design Requirements for Members Under Bending
Shear Capacity of Webs

Yield Capacity of Webs in Shear

Shear Buckling Capacity of Webs

Webs in Combined Shear and Bending

Transverse Web Stiffeners

Longitudinal Web Stiffeners
Bearing Capacity of Webs

Yield Capacity of Webs in Bearing

Bearing Buckling Capacity of Webs

Webs in Combined Bearing and Bending

Load-Bearing Stiffeners
Design for Serviceability


Steel Members Under Axial Load and Bending


Members Under Axial Compression

Behaviour of Members in Axial Compression

Section Capacity in Axial Compression

Elastic Buckling of Compression Members

Member Capacity in Axial Compression

Laced and Battened Compression Members
Members in Axial Tension

Behaviour of Members in Axial Tension

Capacity of Members in Axial Tension
Members Under Axial Load and Uniaxial Bending

Behaviour of Members Under Combined Actions

Section Moment Capacity Reduced by Axial Force

In-Plane Member Capacity

Out-of-Plane Member Capacity
Design of Portal Frame Rafters and Columns


Portal Frame Columns
Members Under Axial Load and Biaxial Bending

Section Capacity Under Biaxial Bending

Member Capacity Under Biaxial Bending

Steel Connections


Types of Connections

Minimum Design Actions

Bolted Connections

Types of Bolts

Bolts in Shear

Bolts in Tension

Bolts in Combined Shear and Tension

Ply in Bearing

Design of Bolt Groups
Welded Connections

Types of Welds

Butt Welds

Fillet Welds

Weld Groups
Bolted Moment End Plate Connections

Design Actions

Design of Bolts

Design of End Plate

Design of Beam-to-End-Plate Welds

Design of Column Stiffeners

Geometric Requirements
Pinned Column Base Plate Connections

Connections Under Compression and Shear

Connections Under Tension and Shear

Plastic Analysis of Steel Beams and Frames


Simple Plastic Theory

Plastic Hinge

Full Plastic Moment

Effect of Axial Force

Effect of Shear Force
Plastic Analysis of Steel Beams

Plastic Collapse Mechanisms

Work Equation

Plastic Analysis Using the Mechanism Method
Plastic Analysis of Steel Frames

Fundamental Theorems

Method of Combined Mechanism
Plastic Design to AS 4100

Limitations on Plastic Design

Section Capacity Under Axial Load and Bending

Slenderness Limits

Composite Slabs


Components of Composite Slabs

Behaviour of Composite Slabs

Shear Connection of Composite Slabs

Basic Concepts

Strength of Shear Connection

Degree of Shear Connection
Moment Capacity Based on Eurocode 4

Complete Shear Connection with Neutral Axis Above Sheeting

Complete Shear Connection with Neutral Axis Within Sheeting

Partial Shear Connection
Moment Capacity Based on Australian Practice

Positive Moment Capacity with Complete Shear Connection

Positive Moment Capacity with Partial Shear Connection

Minimum Bending Strength

Design for Negative Moments
Vertical Shear Capacity of Composite Slabs

Positive Vertical Shear Capacity

Negative Vertical Shear Capacity

Vertical Shear Capacity Based on Eurocode 4
Longitudinal Shear

Punching Shear

Design Considerations

Effective Span

Potentially Critical Cross Sections

Effects of Propping
Design for Serviceability

Crack Control of Composite Slabs

Short-Term Deflections of Composite Slabs

Long-Term Deflections of Composite Slabs

Span-to-Depth Ratio for Composite Slabs

Composite Beams


Components of Composite Beams

Behaviour of Composite Beams

Effective Sections

Effective Width of Concrete Flange

Effective Portion of Steel Beam Section
Shear Connection of Composite Beams

Basic Concepts

Load–Slip Behaviour of Shear Connectors

Strength of Shear Connectors

Degree of Shear Connection

Detailing of Shear Connectors
Vertical Shear Capacity of Composite Beams

Vertical Shear Capacity Ignoring Concrete Contribution

Vertical Shear Capacity Considering Concrete Contribution
Design Moment Capacity for Positive Bending


Cross Sections with γ ≤ 0.5 and Complete Shear Connection

Cross Sections with γ ≤ 0.5 and Partial Shear Connection

Cross Sections with γ = 1.0 and Complete Shear Connection

Cross Sections with γ = 1.0 and Partial Shear Connection

Cross Sections with 0.5 < γ ≤ 1.0

Minimum Degree of Shear Connection
Design Moment Capacity for Negative Bending

Design Concepts

Key Levels of Longitudinal Reinforcement

Plastic Neutral Axis Depth

Design Negative Moment Capacity
Transfer of Longitudinal Shear in Concrete Slabs

Longitudinal Shear Surfaces

Design Longitudinal Shear Force

Longitudinal Shear Capacity

Longitudinal Shear Reinforcement
Composite Beams with Precast Hollow Core Slabs

Design for Serviceability

Elastic Section Properties

Deflection Components of Composite Beams

Deflections Due to Creep and Shrinkage

Maximum Stress in Steel Beam

Composite Columns


Behaviour and Design of Short Composite Columns

Behaviour of Short Composite Columns

Short Composite Columns Under Axial Compression

Short Composite Columns Under Axial Load and Uniaxial Bending
Non-Linear Analysis of Short Composite Columns


Fibre Element Method

Fibre Strain Calculations

Material Constitutive Models for Structural Steels

Material Models for Concrete in Rectangular CFST Columns

Material Models for Concrete in Circular CFST Columns

Modelling of Local and Post-Local Buckling

Stress Resultants

Computational Algorithms Based on the Secant Method
Behaviour and Design of Slender Composite Columns

Behaviour of Slender Composite Columns

Relative Slenderness and Effective Flexural Stiffness

Concentrically Loaded Slender Composite Columns

Uniaxially Loaded Slender Composite Columns

Biaxially Loaded Slender Composite Beam–Columns
Non-Linear Analysis of Slender Composite Columns


Modelling of Load–Deflection Behaviour

Modelling of Axial Load–Moment Interaction Diagrams

Numerical Solution Scheme Based on Müller’s Method

Composite Columns with Preload Effects

Composite Columns Under Cyclic Loading

Composite Connections


Single-Plate Shear Connections

Behaviour of Single-Plate Connections

Design Requirements

Design of Bolts

Design of Single Plate

Design of Welds
Tee Shear Connections

Behaviour of Tee Shear Connections

Design of Bolts

Design of Tee Stems

Design of Tee Flanges

Design of Welds

Detailing Requirements
Beam-to-CEC Column Moment Connections

Behaviour of Composite Moment Connections

Design Actions

Effective Width of Connection

Vertical Bearing Capacity

Horizontal Shear Capacity

Detailing Requirements
Beam-to-CFST Column Moment Connections

Resultant Forces in Connection Elements

Neutral Axis Depth

Shear Capacity of Steel Beam Web

Shear Capacity of Concrete
Semi-Rigid Connections

Behaviour of Semi-Rigid Connections

Design Moments at Supports

Design of Seat Angle

Design of Slab Reinforcement

Design Moment Capacities of Connection

Compatibility Conditions

Design of Web Angles

Deflections of Composite Beams

Design Procedure



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