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Metaheuristic Applications in Structures and Infrastructures



Due to an ever-decreasing supply in raw materials and stringent constraints on conventional energy sources, demand for lightweight, efficient and low-cost structures has become crucially important in modern engineering design. This requires engineers to search for optimal and robust design options to address design problems that are commonly large in scale and highly nonlinear, making finding solutions challenging. In the past two decades, metaheuristic algorithms have shown promising power, efficiency and versatility in solving these difficult optimization problems.


  • ISBN: 9780123983640
  • Páginas: 568
  • Tamaño: 22x16
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2013

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Metaheuristic Applications in Structures and Infrastructures

Due to an ever-decreasing supply in raw materials and stringent constraints on conventional energy sources, demand for lightweight, efficient and low-cost structures has become crucially important in modern engineering design. This requires engineers to search for optimal and robust design options to address design problems that are commonly large in scale and highly nonlinear, making finding solutions challenging. In the past two decades, metaheuristic algorithms have shown promising power, efficiency and versatility in solving these difficult optimization problems.

This book examines the latest developments of metaheuristics and their applications in structural engineering, construction engineering and earthquake engineering, offering practical case studies as examples to demonstrate real-world applications. Topics cover a range of areas within engineering, including big bang-big crunch approach, genetic algorithms, genetic programming, harmony search, swarm intelligence and some other metaheuristic methods. Case studies include structural identification, vibration analysis and control, topology optimization, transport infrastructure design, design of reinforced concrete, performance-based design of structures and smart pavement management. With its wide range of everyday problems and solutions, Metaheursitic Applications in Structures and Infrastructures can serve as a supplementary text for design courses and computation in engineering as well as a reference for researchers and engineers in metaheuristics, optimization in civil engineering and computational intelligence.

Mataheuristics in Modelling and Optimization (Amir Hossein Gandomi, Xin-She Yang, Siamak Talatahari & Amir Hossein Alavi)

Traditional and Modern Structural Optimization Techniques – Theory and Application (Mohammad Ghasem Sahab, Vassili V. Toropov & Amir Hossein Gandomi)

Metaheuristics and Applications in Structural and Construction Engineering (Sadegh Kazemi, Seyed Mohammad Reza Hoseini & Meimanat Soleimanifar)

Particle Swarm Optimization in Civil Infrastructure Systems: State-of-the-art Review and Case Study (Kasthurirangan Gopalakrishnan)

Part I: Structural Design

Metaheuristics in Structural Design Optimization (Chara Ch. Mitropoulou, Yiannis Fourkiotis, Nikos D. Lagaros & Matthew G. Karlaftis)

Multidisciplinary Design and Optimization Algorithms (Parviz Mohammad Zadeh)

Cost Optimization of Column Layout Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings (Muhammad Hadi & Pezhman Sharafi)

Layout Design of Beam-Slab Floors by the Genetic Algorithm (Pruettha Nanakorn & Anan Nimtawat)

Mathematical and Metaheuristic Applications in Design Optimization of Steel Frames (Mehmet Polat Saka & Zong Woo Geem)

Optimum Design of Skeletal Structures via Big Bang–Big Crunch Algorithm (Siamak Talatahari & Ali Kaveh)

Hybrid Formulations of Harmony Search and Big Bang–Big Crunch for Weight Minimization of Truss Structures (Luciano Lamberti & Carmine Pappalettere)

Shape Design Optimization using Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms (Ali Riza Yildiz)

Graph-based Coding for Truss Topology Optimization (Benoît Descamps & Rajan Filomeno Coelho)

Element Exchange Method for Topology Optimization (Mohammad Rouhi, Masoud Rais-Rohani & Thomas N. Williams)

Part II: Structural Control & Identification

Structural Control using Stochastic Methodologies (Sinan Korkmaz)

Evolutionary Path-Dependent Damper Optimization for Variable Building Stiffness Distributions (Izuru Takewaki & Kohei Fujita)

Application of the Genetic Algorithm in the Ground Motion Selection for the Structural Analysis (Alireza Azarbakht & Mehdi Mousavi)

Optmizaiton of Tuned Mass Damper with Harmony Search (Gebrail Bekdas & Sinan Melih Nigdeli)

Identification of Passive Devices for Vibration Control by Evolutionary Algorithms (Giuseppe Carlo Marano, Giuseppe Quaranta, Jennifer Avakian & Alessandro Palmeri)

Structural Optimization for Frequency Constraints (Saeed Gholizadeh)

Optimum Performance-Based Seismic Design of Frames using Meta-Heuristic Optimization Algorithms (Siamak Talatahari)

Expression Programming Techniques for Formulation of Structural Engineering Systems (Amir Hossein Gandomi & Amir Hossein Alavi)

An Evolutionary Divide-and-Conquer Strategy for Structural Identification (Chan Ghee Koh & Thanh N. Trinh)

Part III: Construction Management & Maintenance

Evolutionary Algorithms for Large-Scale Optimization in Construction Management (Emad E. Elbeltagi)

Network-Level Infrastructure Management based on Meta-Heuristics (Katharina Lukas & André Borrmann)

Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Large-Scale Maintenance Optimization Problems for Civil Infrastructure Systems (Hwasoo Yeo)

Metaheuristic Applications in Bridge Infrastructure Maintenance Scheduling Considering Stochastic Aspects of Deterioration (Manoj K. Jha, Monique Hite Head & Shobeir Pirayeh Gar)

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