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Handbook of RAMS in Railway Systems: Theory and Practice



The Handbook of RAMS in Railway Systems: Theory and Practice addresses the complexity in today's railway systems, which use computers and electromechanical components to increase efficiency while ensuring a high level of safety.


  • ISBN: 9781138035126
  • Páginas: 745
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2018

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Handbook of RAMS in Railway Systems: Theory and Practice

• Offers the first book-length coverage of RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, Safety) for railways

• Covers the main topics of RAMS in a detailed, up to date manner

• Presents real-world examples and applications of RAMS topics from all important subsystems

• Contains contributed chapters written by the world's leading experts from academia and industry

•Conveys an understanding of RAMS and related standards and their acceptance in academia and industry


The Handbook of RAMS in Railway Systems: Theory and Practice addresses the complexity in today's railway systems, which use computers and electromechanical components to increase efficiency while ensuring a high level of safety. RAM (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability) addresses the specifications and standards that manufacturers and operators have to meet. Modeling, implementation, and assessment of RAM and safety requires the integration of railway engineering systems; mathematical and statistical methods; standards compliance; and financial/economic factors. This Handbook brings together a group of experts to present RAM and safety in a modern, comprehensive manner

Table of Contents

Basic Concepts, and Prediction and Estimation Techniques for RAMS.

Introduction to the Requirements for Railway RAMS Management.
Practical Statistics of RAMS Parameters.
Basic Methods for RAM Analysis and Decision Making.
Advance Methods for RAM Analysis and Decision Making.
Framework for Risk and Decision Assessment in Engineering Systems.
Methodologies for RAM and Safety Apportionment in Complex Railway Projects.
Prognostics Management in Railways.
Health Monitoring of Railway Assets within the Concept of RAMS.
Human Factors in Railways and their Assessment.
Introduction to IT Transformation of Safety and Risk Management Systems.
Methods for Determining Safety Integrity Levels (SIL) in Railways.
Maintainability Analysis Methods in Railways.
CIFFA (Component, Interfaces and Functional Failure Analysis) for Combined and Improved Railway RAMS Assessment.
Reliability Demonstration Tests: Decision Rules and Associated Risks.

RAMS in Practice.

Application of Risk Analysis Methods for Railway Level Crossing Problems.
Methodology and Application of RAMS Management along the Railway Rolling Stock Lifecycle.
Demonstration of Reliability and Availability in Guided Transportation Projects.
Modeling Reliability Analysis of European Train Control System (ETCS).
Systems Assurance for the Railway Electromechanical Products.
Formal Reliability Analysis of Railway Systems using Theorem Proving.
RAMS Considerations for MEP and ICT Systems for Railways.
Estimation of Spare Parts based on RAMS Outputs.
Decision Support for Maintenance Engineering: an Integrating Approach towards RAMS.
Decision Support Systems for Railway RAMS: An Application from Railway Signaling.
Maintainability Analysis in Railways: Practical Applications.

Special Topics for RAMS. RAMS and Security. Optimal SIL Determination in Railways using a Utility-Based Approach.

CENELEC Standards for Railway Signalling.
The Role of Independent Assessor in RAMS Assessment.
Managing SIL Certifications: A Guide for Product Suppliers and Product Owners.
Application of the Code of Practices for RAMS Assessment: Real World Experience from the field of Rail Electrification.
Importance of Safety Culture for RAMS.
Railway Security: Policy, Law, and Regulation.
Target Reliability Studies for New and Existing Railway Engineering Structures.


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