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Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground



Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground comprises a collection of 118 papers, four reports on symposium themes, and four invited lectures presented at the seventh International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, held in Rome, Italy, 16-18 May 2011.


  • ISBN: 978-0-415-68367-8
  • Páginas: 1082
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2012

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground

  Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground comprises a collection of 118 papers, four reports on symposium themes, and four invited lectures presented at the seventh International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, held in Rome, Italy, 16-18 May 2011.

The symposium was organized by the Technical Committee TC28 “Underground Construction in Soft Ground” of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE). This is the latest in a series which began in New Delhi in 1994, and was followed by symposia in London (1996), Tokyo (1999), Toulouse (2002), Amsterdam (2005), and Shanghai (2008). The Rome symposium was organised by the Italian Geotechnical Society (AGI), under the auspices of the International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE) and the Italian Ministry for Public Works, and sponsored by various national and international companies.

Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground includes contributions from 30 countries on research, design and construction of underground works in soft ground. The contributions cover:

- Construction, design, and measured performance of bored tunnels

- Physical and numerical modelling of deep excavations and bored tunnels

- Construction, design, and measured performance of deep excavations

- Design methods and predictive tools for deep excavations and bored tunnels

- Ground movements, interaction with existing structures and mitigation measures

- Activities of TC204 working groups

The general reports give an overview of the papers listed in the symposium’s technical sessions. The proceedings include the written version of the four invited lectures covering topics ranging from the geotechnical aspects of construction of the new Mexico City deep sewerage system (as a special contribution of TC214 “Soft Soils”), to the long-term settlement mechanisms of tunnels in Shanghai, the lessons learned from the deep excavations for the North-South Line in Amsterdam, and the evaluation of the effects of tunnel excavation on historical buildings, drawing on experience gathered during construction of subway line C in Rome.

Similar to previous editions, Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground represents a valuable source of reference on the current practice of analysis, design, and construction of tunnels and deep excavations in soft ground. The book is particular aimed at academics and professionals interested in geotechnical and underground engineering.




Special lectures

Mexico City deep eastern drainage tunnel

M.A. Aguilar-Téllez, R. Méndez-Marroquin, J.L. Rangel-Núñez, M. Comulada-Simpson, U. Maidl & G. Auvinet-Guichard

Long-term tunnel settlement mechanisms of Metro Line 2 in Shanghai

C.W.W. Ng, Q. Li & G.B. Liu

Deep excavations for Amsterdam Metro North-South line: An update and lessons learned

A.F. van Tol & M. Korff

Evaluating the effects of tunnelling on historical buildings: The example of a new subway in Rome

S. Rampello, L. Callisto, F.M. Soccodato & G.M.B. Viggiani

Keiichi Fujita lecture

TC204 proposal for ‘Keiichi Fujita Lecture’

R. Kastner

Tribute to Professor Keiichi Fujita by ISSMGE Technical Committee 204 (formerly TC28) on Underground Construction in Soft Ground

R.J. Mair & H. Akagi

Session reports

Construction, design and measured performance of bored tunnels

C.O. Menkiti

Numerical and physical modelling of tunnels and deep excavations

S.W. Jacobsz

Construction, design and measured performance of deep excavations

J.R. Standing

Design methods and predictive tools for deep excavations and bored tunnels

L. Callisto

Construction, design, and measured performance of bored tunnels

Application of the image and laser sensors based tunnel scanning system

M. Sagong, T.H. Koh, B.S. Chun, B.H. Lee & Y.S. Byun

Manipulations of the sticky clays regarding EPB tunnel driving

G. Spagnoli, M. Feinendegen, R. Ernst & M. Weh

The effects of anisotropy and of unhomogeneity of stress state on the lining of road tunnel in a Flysch formation

V.M. Santoro

Foam conditioning in EPB tunnelling

M. Thewes, C. Budach & A. Bezuijen

High-resolution multichannel seismic survey for the excavation of the new headrace tunnel for the Crevola Toce III hydropower scheme in the Ossola Valley, Italy

M. Sapigni, A.M. Baldi, F. Bianchi & J. De Luca

Geotechnical instrumentation data management

J.L. Gilby, P. Eng & M. Socol

Design and construction of a sewer tunnel in difficult site conditions

P. Croce, S. Di Maio, G. Speciale & L. Cassibba

Prediction and performance of a ground freezing application to the rehabilitation works of an existing tunnel

A. Pigorini, A. Sciotti, G. Zoppo & G. Calabresi

Flow around a TBM: A Comparison of analytical and numerical models

A. Bezuijen, F. Nagel & G. Meschke

Design of jet-grouting for tunnel waterproofing

M. Arroyo, A. Gens, P. Croce & G. Modoni

Modelling a deep tunnel excavation in a low-porosity tectonised clay

D. Boldini & A. Graziani

Micro-measurement and monitoring system for ageing underground infrastructure (Underground M3)

K. Soga, A. Ledesma, A. Roncaglia & I. Vaníček

Settlement monitoring and tunnelling process adaptation—case of South Toulon tunnel

J.P. Janin, D. Daniel, R. Kastner, F. Emeriault, A. Guilloux & H. Lebissonnais

Backcalculation of internal forces in the segmental lining of a tunnel: The experience of Line 1 in Naples

E. Bilotta & G. Russo

Backanalysis of measured movements in ageing tunnels

C. de Santos, A. Ledesma & A. Gens

Modelling and monitoring of a urban underground excavation

A. Cantone, R. Fico, F. Cavuoto & A. Mandolini

The Line 3 of the Metro of Cairo

P. Patrizi

Methods of monitoring of metro lining in Prague

M. Vaníček, S. Chamra, D. Jirásko, J. Macháček, I. Vaníček, J. Záleský, A. Hada, K. Chaiyasarn & K. Soga

Two adjacent railway tunnels underneath the historic city of Mainz

H. Quick, J. Michael, S. Meissner & U. Arslan

Aicha-Mauls on the Brenner Base Tunnel—status of the works and results

H. Quick, J. Michael, K. Bergmeister & E. Facchin

A new tunnel bored in alluvial soft soil under the Malaga Airport

C.S. Oteo, J. García Pérez, H. Moreno, P. de La Fuente & J. Oteo Escobar

Analysis of convergence data and 3D numerical modelling of tunnels excavated in fine-grained soils

P. Perazzelli, T. Rotonda, D. Boldini, A.M. Ajmone-Cat & P.M. Gianvecchio

Back-fill grout with two component mix in EPB tunneling to minimize surface settlements: Rome Metro—Line C case history

S. Pelizza, D. Peila, R. Sorge & F. Cignitti

Deep excavation of Malatesta Station in Rome: Design, construction and measures

E. Romani, R. Sorge, G. Guiducci, A. Lucarelli & G. Furlani

Line C in Rome: Remote monitoring system

R. Sorge, S. Moretti & O. Tripoli

Physical and numerical modelling of deep excavations and bored tunnels

Review of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids behaviour in the context of grouts

S. Kazemian, A. Prasad & B.B.K. Huat

Stability of cohesive-frictional soils with square underground openings

K. Yamamoto, A.V. Lyamin, D.W. Wilson, A.J. Abbo & S.W. Sloan

Bearing capacity analysis of cohesive-frictional soils with dual circular tunnels

K. Yamamoto, A.V. Lyamin, D.W. Wilson, A.J. Abbo & S.W. Sloan

Centrifuge modelling of the response of buildings to tunnelling

R.P. Farrell & R.J. Mair

Tunnelling-induced deformation on a masonry structure: A numerical approach

A. Amorosi, D. Boldini, G. de Felice & M. Malena

The dynamic behavior of shield circular tunnels and surrounding granular soils during earthquakes

M. Hatambeigi, Y. Pashang Pisheh & M. Pashang Pisheh

An investigation into Inclined Struts method as a type of shoring

A. Fakher & S. Sadeghian

Understanding ground deformation mechanisms during multi-propped excavation in soft clay

S.Y. Lam, S.K. Haigh & M.D. Bolton

Face stability control for EPB tunnels in a non homogeneous till formation with highly permeable layers

A. Graziani, A. Lembo-Fazio, M. Moccichino & P. Romualdi

Numerical simulation of long-term twin-tunnel behaviour at St James’s park

R.G. Laver & K. Soga

The efficiency of compensation grouting in sands

K. Soga, A. Bezuijen & K. Eisa

Tunneling in stratified soft ground: Experimental study on 1g EPBS reduced scale model

N. Berthoz, D. Branque, H. Wong, G. Généreux, D. Subrin & E. Humbert

Effects of the excavation procedure on the stability of diaphragm wall panels

D. L’Amante & A. Flora

Water table lowering effects on excavations

N.P. Raposo & A.T. Gomes

Influence of leakage on tunnel behavior in soft soils

D.M. Zhang, H.W. Huang & Z.Y. Fan

Effect of soil stratification on pipe behaviour due to tunnelling-induced ground movements based on the displacement controlled method

Z.G. Zhang, M.S. Huang, M.X. Zhang & W.D. Wang

Influence of overcut length on jack force and acting earth pressure during pipe jacking

A. Asanprakit, M. Sugimoto & J. Chen

Assessment of building damage induced by excavation using plate analogy

E. Namazi & H. Mohamad

Comparing the limit equilibrium method and the numerical stress analysis method of tunnel face stability assessment

P. Perazzelli & G. Anagnostou

An analytical method to control tunnel lining settlements

A.D. Garini

Interaction between tunnelling and bridge foundation—3D numerical investigation

C. Yoo & S.J. Wu

Numerical analysis of precast tunnel segmental lining supported by full-scale experimental tests

F. Cignitti, R. Sorge, A. Meda, F. Nerilli & Z. Rinaldi

The ground movement simulator: An interesting facility for the study of the behavior of buildings submitted to ground subsidence

M. Caudron, M. Al Heib, B. Hor & F. Emeriault

Experimental and numerical study of grout injections in silty soils

L. Masini, S. Rampello, G.M.B. Viggiani & K. Soga

3D finite element analysis of deep excavations with cross-walls

S. Rampello & S. Salvatori

A 3D numerical study of deep excavations in clayey soils

E. Erbì & F.M. Soccodato

Construction, design, and measured performance of deep excavations

Interaction of retaining structure with adjacent building: Multi-stage numerical analysis

E.M. Comodromos & M.C. Papadopoulou

Effect of pressurized grouting on anchor behavior in residual soils

T.-S. Kim, B.-K. Sim, J.-S. Kim, S.-W. Lee & I.-M. Lee

Design and construction of anchored diaphragm walls and dewatering system for the excavation of a two-level basement car park at the Al Ghazala Hotel Intercontinental in Tripoli—Libya

C. Asioli, M. Agostini & T. Minotti

Underground car parks in Italian urban areas: Not an easy task!

G. Pagotto, P. Silvi & F. Casadei

Recent uses of directional drilling technology in the construction field

D. Vanni, M. Siepi, M. Croce, F. Melli & V. Specchio

Leak detection in complex underground structures using an innovative geophysical method

D. Vanni & E. Geutebrück

Construction of a large underground parking in Bari downtown

R. Granata, F. Gioia & V. Cotecchia

Seepage experiences for deep urban excavation at the TBM Malatesta shaft, Rome

A. Capata & V. Capata

Spatial effects on excavations in deep soft lacustrine clay

P. Becker, G. Berhane & H.-G. Kempfert

Detection of imperfections in diaphragm walls with geophysical measurements

R. Spruit, V. Hopman & A.F. van Tol

An integrated monitoring and risk management system for civil construction works

E.P.T. Smits

The study of displacements of diaphragm walls built in Warsaw Quaternary soils

A. Siemińska-Lewandowska, M. Mitew-Czajewska & U. Tomczak

Design control and monitoring of a jet grouted excavation bottom plug

N. Eramo, G. Modoni & M.A.A. de Toledo

Dewatering tests results for underground C Line stations construction

M. Grisolia, G. Iorio & A. Zechini

Evaluation of negative skin friction on sheet pile walls at the Rio Grande dry dock, Brazil

C.M. Santana, F.A.B. Danziger, F.R. Lopes, L.B. Becker & R.J.L. Pereira

Challenging demands on the geotechnical design and first monitoring results of the T185 in Frankfurt

S. Meissner, H. Quick, J. Michael & U. Arslan

Geotechnical design of a railway tunnel and an underground station supporting the new city hall, Delft, The Netherlands

M.J.C. Everaars, E. Kwast, C.M. Meulblok, S. Delfgaauw & H. Mortier

CSM-cutter soil mixing—worldwide experiences of a young soil mixing method in soft soils

F.-W. Gerressen & T. Vohs

The construction of deep excavation ditch in weak soil in St. Petersburg

R. Mangushev, E. Lashkova, V. Smolenkov & A. Osokin

Effect of staged dewatering and excavation on the heave of soil beneath deep excavation

G. Zheng & Z. Li

Design and construction of deep excavations in Shanghai

W.D. Wang & Z.H. Xu

3-D finite element modeling and construction aspects for vertical shafts in Metro C Rome

G. Furlani, G. Guiducci, A. Lucarelli, A. Carrettucci & R. Sorge

Effect of cement on tropical peat stabilized by deep mixing method

S. Kazemian, A. Prasad & B.B.K. Huat

Design methods and predictive tools for deep excavations and bored tunnels

Effects of tunnelling on a single pile: Three-dimensional design tool

J.Q. Surjadinata, T.S. Hull & J.P. Carter

Prediction method of the displacement of surrounding ground during excavation

Y. Motoi

Numerical modeling of diaphragm wall behavior in Bangkok soil using hardening soil model

N. Phien-wej, M. Humza & Z.Z. Aye

A nonlinear soil spring model considering ground stress and strain change during excavation

T. Sakamoto & Y. Katsura

How to analyse walls for deep excavations

A. Hettler & T. Schanz

Prediction of tunnel-induced settlements in soft ground

J. Fillibeck & N. Vogt

Strains and failure characteristics of pyroclastic materials in deep excavation

A. Lombardi & A. Capata

Simplified numerical method for tunnel design under seismic condition: Some examples about Istanbul Metro design, Kadikoy-Kartal Line

G.M. Gaspari, G. Quaglio, V. Floria

FEM analyses of deep excavations and earth retaining structures in soft clay

T. Kono & Y. Shigeno

The influence of jet-grout constitutive modelling in excavation analyses

M. Ciantia, M. Arroyo, R. Castellanza & A. Gens

Pile-group response due to tunnelling

F. Basile

Prediction of surface settlements induced by TBM using Artificial Neural Networks method

R. Boubou, F. Emeriault & R. Kastner

Durability of calcarenitic hypogea in the underground cultural heritage of Palermo (Sicily)

M. Zimbardo, L. Ercoli & N. Nocilla

Deep excavation in Bulgaria—comparison of measured and computed performance

A.E. Totsev

Tunnel-boring process in urban environment: Modeling for reliability—a kinematic study

D. Festa, W. Broere, S.v.d. Woude & J.W. Bosch

Mechanical analysis of jet grouted supporting structures

A. Flora, S. Lirer, G.P. Lignola & G. Modoni

3D simulations of a NATM tunnel in stiff clays with soil parameters optimised using monitoring data from exploratory adit

T. Svoboda & D. Mašín

Numerical analysis of 20.5 m deep excavation with anchored diaphragm wall

J. Josifovski, S. Gjorgjevski & M. Jovanovski

Performance of deep excavations in the Taipei Basin

R.N. Hwang & Z.C. Moh

Geotechnical issues related to dry maintenance of open cut excavations below groundwater

table in soft soils: Reliability of a simplified calculation model

F. Carnevale, R. Gallotti, F. Caneparo & P. Pampanin

Ground movements, interaction with existing structures and mitigation measures

Compensation grouting: Mechanisms determining the shape of the grout body

A. Bezuijen & A.F. van Tol

Analysis of ground movements induced by tunnels in sand based on contract CR3 in Kaohsiung metro

B.C.B. Hsiung

The response of buildings to tunnelling: A case study

R.P. Farrell, R.J. Mair, A. Sciotti, A. Pigorini & M. Ricci

The response of piled buildings to deep excavations

M. Korff, R.J. Mair, A.F. van Tol & F.J. Kaalberg

The horizontal response of framed buildings on individual footings to excavation-induced movements

K.H. Goh & R.J. Mair

The response of buildings to movements induced by deep excavations

K.H. Goh & R.J. Mair

3D numerical modelling and settlement monitoring during excavation of the Metro-Torino South extension

G. Barla, M. Barla & G. Leuzzi

3D Numerical modelling of tunnelling intersecting piles

S.W. Lee, C.K.M. Choy, S.C. Tse, F.R. van Gool, W.W.L. Cheang & R.B.J. Brinkgreve

Geotechnical cut-off diaphragms for built-up area protection in urban underground development

N.S. Nikiforova & D.A. Vnukov

Greater Metro Line 3, Cairo: Installation of underground construction pits using cut-off-wall and soft-gel-grouting

L. Liersch & M. Baltruschat

An interpretation of jet grouting effects on the retaining structures of a deep excavation and on adjacent buildings

E. Fontanella, L. Callisto, A. Desideri, A. Sciotti & C. Ottaviani

Compensation grouting of piled foundations to mitigate tunneling settlements

F.J. Kaalberg, R.D. Essler & R. Kleinlugtenbelt

Settlement behaviour after compensation and corrective grouting

A. Bezuijen, F.J. Kaalberg, R. Kleinlugtenbelt & R.D. Essler

South Toulon tunnel: Analysis of an instrumented section

J.P. Janin, D. Dias, R. Kastner, F. Emeriault, A. Guilloux & H. Lebissonnais

Prediction of the effects induced by the Metro C construction on an old masonry building

F. Buselli, A. Logarzo, S. Miliziano, F. Formato, G. Simonacci & A. Zechini

Ground movements induced by tunnel boring in Naples

E. Bilotta & G. Russo

EPB tunnelling in deltaic deposits: Observations of ground movements

A. Gens, A. Di Mariano & M.T. Yubero

Mitigation of the effects induced by shallow tunneling in urban environment: The use of ‘compensation grouting’ in the underground Line B1 works in Rome

A. Sciotti, A. Desideri, G. Saggio & C. Kummerer

Jacked piles as mitigation measure of surface settlements due to tunneling in clay

M. Marchi, G. Gottardi, G. Marchi, P.M. Masoli, L. Zambianchi & G. Zattoni

Observed and predicted settlements induced by the construction of hydraulic tunnels in Buenos Aires

A. Logarzo, S. Miliziano, V. Floria & M. Pescara

On the effects of Line 6 tunnel excavation in Naples

B. Bitetti, A. Mandolini, A.F.V. Tol, W. Broere & R.B.J. Brinkgreve

Long term environmental effect of tunnel construction in weak soils

M. Mets, R. Raudsepp & T. Ruben

Soft ground tunneling in urban areas—proximity effects

J.F. Chang, H.C. Chao & Z.C. Moh

Activities of TC204 working groups

Urban tunnels in soft ground: Review of current design practice

V. da Mota Wedekin, R. Kastner, A. Guilloux, A. Bezuijen, J. Standing & A. Negro Jr.

Guidelines for comparing field or physical model observations with numerical simulations

G.M.B. Viggiani

A predictive exercise on the behaviour of tunnels under seismic actions

E. Bilotta & F. Silvestri

Author index

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