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Rock Engineering



Rock Engineering provides a comprehensive explanation of the geological principles and ground investigations involved with geotechnical design and engineering of underground projects.


  • ISBN: 9780727759955
  • Páginas: 444
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2015

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Contenido Rock Engineering

Rock Engineering provides a comprehensive explanation of the geological principles and ground investigations involved with geotechnical design and engineering of underground projects.

It offers an internationally applicable, practical guide for engineers and geologists responsible for considering different ground conditions, design and planning for excavation and underground projects. This informative and highly illustrated resource combines theoretical knowledge and practical examples of rock engineering with detailed case studies of tunnelling and hydropower projects. Theories and realities of risks and uncertainties are discussed to provide an understanding of the considerations needed for successfully planning and executing underground projects.

This fully updated edition has added focus on rock engineering applications in design, planning and excavation. Special chapters have been added dealing with the practical use of the Euro Code in rock design, the design principles of some special underground projects and three case histories.  The ambition is to better cover the complex engineering geological process in rock construction from ground investigation to execution.

Rock Engineering, Second Edition:

• outlines strategies for investigating different ground conditions

• discusses new technology and methodology for detecting and analysing risks, and ensuring safety, accountability and sustainability is maintained

• applies geological principles in rock engineering to detailed case study examples

• explains the key principles of design of surface and underground structures

• evaluates uncertainties in geological ground conditions

Rock Engineering is a valuable reference tool for geotechnical engineers, geologists, consultants, contractors, and advanced students on rock engineering and engineering geology courses.

Table Contents


- References

Geology in rock engineering

2.1. Geological setting
2.2. Rocks
2.3. Discontinuities
2.4. Groundwater
2.5. The use of a geological model

Investigations and measurements

3.1. Investigation strategy
3.2. Field investigation methods
3.3. Laboratory methods
3.4. Cost aspects of ground investigations

Derived ground information and location of the project

4.1. Layout and requirements of the project
4.2. Combination of the investigation results
4.3. Geological uncertainties
4.4. Selection of the project location References

Ground behaviour

5.1. Rockmasses
5.2. Effect of stresses
5.3. Effect of groundwater
5.4. Effect of the size and shape of the excavation
5.5. Effect of the excavation and installation of the rock support
5.6. Types of ground behaviour
5.7. A method to identify ground behaviour References

Ground conditions and properties

6.1. Ground parameters
6.2. Typical ground parameter values
6.3. Rockmass conditions
6.4. Rock stresses
6.5. Conditions related to groundwater
6.6. Weakness zones and faults
6.7. Some empirical equations to estimate rockmass properties

Rock engineering design tools

 7.1. Rock design principles
7.2. Calculated solutions
7.3. Observational methods
7.4. Empirical methods
7.5. Practical use of the Eurocode

Rock engineering in planning

8.1. Rock engineering procedures
8.2. Underground projects and quality
8.3. Risk management
8.4. Estimation of time and cost
8.5. Design principles of some special tunnel projects
Further reading

Rock engineering and excavation

9.1. Some excavation principles
9.2. Some rock support methods
9.3. Water sealing
9.4. Investigations during tunnel excavation
9.5. Excavation follow-up and tunnel mapping
9.6. Determination of rock support at the site
9.7. Monitoring during and after excavation
9.8. Case histories


 A.1. Various measurements of block volume and degree of jointing
A.2. Details on empirical rock engineering tools
 A.3. Compilation of the input parameters to the RMR, Q and RMi systems
A.4. Engineering geological field observations and prediction of ground conditions


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