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Open-Channel Hydraulics



Open-Channel Hydraulics, originally published in 1959, deals with the design for flow in open channels and their related structures. Covering both theory and practice, it attempts to bridge the gap that generally exists between the two. Theory is introduced first and is then applied to design problems. In many cases the application of theory is illustrated with practical examples.


  • ISBN: 978-1932846188
  • Páginas: 700
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Ingles
  • Año: 2009

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Open-Channel Hydraulics

Open-Channel Hydraulics, originally published in 1959, deals with the design for flow in open channels and their related structures. Covering both theory and practice, it attempts to bridge the gap that generally exists between the two. Theory is introduced first and is then applied to design problems. In many cases the application of theory is illustrated with practical examples. Theory is frequently simplified by adopting theoretically less rigorous treatments with sound concepts, by avoiding use of advanced mathematical manipulations, or by replacing such manipulations with practical numerical procedures. To facilitate understanding of the subject matter, the treatment is mostly based on the condition of one- or two-dimensional flow. The book deals mainly with American practice but also includes related information from many countries throughout the world. Material is divided into five main sections for an orderly and logical treatment of the subject: Basic Principles. Uniform Flow, Varied Flow, Rapidly Varied Flow, and Unsteady Flow. There are 67 illustrative examples, 282 illustrations, 319 problems, and 810 references. This classic textbook was the first English-language book on the subject in two decades. Open-Channel Hydraulics is a valuable text for students of engineering mechanics. hydraulics. civil. agricultural. sanitary. and mechanical engineering, and a helpful compendium for practicing engineers. Dr. Ven Te Chow was a Professor of Hydraulic Engineering and led the hydraulic engineering research and teaching programs at the University of Illinois. Through many years of experience as a teacher, engineer, researcher, writer. lecturer, and consultant, he became an internationally recognized leader in the fields of hydraulics, hydrology and hydraulic engineering. Dr. Ven Te Chow authored two technical books and more than 60 articles and papers in scientific an engineering magazines and journals. He was a member of lAHR, ASCE, AGU, AAAS, SEE, and Sigma Xi, and had been Chairman of the American Geophysical Union's Permanent Research Committee on Runoff.

This classic textbook was the first English-language book on the subject in two decades. Open-Channel Hydraulics is a valuable text for students of engineering mechanics. hydraulics. civil. agricultural. sanitary. and mechanical engineering, and a helpful compendium for practicing engineers.

Table of Contents

Part I. Basic Principles

Chapter 1. Open-channel Flow and Its Classifications.
Chapter 2. Open Channels and Their Properties.
Chapter 3. Energy and Momentum Principles.
Chapter 4. Critical Flow: Its Computation and Applications.

Part II. Uniform Flow.

Chapter 5. Development of Uniform Flow and Its Formulas.
Chapter 6. Computation of Uniform Flow.
Chapter 7. Design of Channels for Uniform Flow.
Chapter 8. Theoretical Concepts of Boundary Layer, Surface Roughness, Velocity Distribution, and Instability of Uniform Flow.

Part III. Gradually Varied Flow.

Chapter 9. Theory and Analysis.
Chapter 10. Methods of Computation.
Chapter 11. Practial Problems.
Chapter 12. Spatially Varied Flow.

Part IV. Rapidly Varied Flow.

Chapter 13. Introduction.
Chapter 14. Flow over Spillways.
Chapter 15. Hydraulic Jump and Its Use as Energy Dissipator.
Chapter 16. FloFlow in Channels of Nonlinear Alignment.
Chapter 17. Flow through Nonprismatic Channel Sections.

Part V. Unsteady Flow.

Chapter 18. Gradually Varied Unsteady Flow.
Chapter 19. Rapidly Varied Unsteady Flow.
Chapter 20. Flood Routing.

Appendix A. Geometric Elements for Circular Channel Sections.
Appendix B. Geometric Elements for Trapezoidal, Triangular, and Parabolic Channel Sections.
Appendix C. Nomographic Solution of the Manning Formula.
Appendix D. Table of the Varied-flow Functions.
Appendix E. Table of the Varied-flow Functions for Circular Sections.
Name Index.
Subject Index

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