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Earth Pressure and Earth-Retaining Structures



Effectively Calculate the Pressures of Soil When it comes to designing and constructing retaining structures that are safe and durable, understanding the interaction between soil and structure is at the foundation of it all. Laying down the groundwork for the non-specialists looking to gain an understanding of the background and issues surrounding geotechnical engineering, Earth Pressure and Earth-Retaining Structures,


  • ISBN: 9781466552111
  • Páginas: 608
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2014

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Earth Pressure and Earth-Retaining Structures

Effectively Calculate the Pressures of Soil

When it comes to designing and constructing retaining structures that are safe and durable, understanding the interaction between soil and structure is at the foundation of it all. Laying down the groundwork for the non-specialists looking to gain an understanding of the background and issues surrounding geotechnical engineering, Earth Pressure and Earth-Retaining Structures, Third Edition introduces the mechanisms of earth pressure, and explains the design requirements for retaining structures. This text makes clear the uncertainty of parameter and partial factor issues that underpin recent codes. It then goes on to explain the principles of the geotechnical design of gravity walls, embedded walls, and composite structures.

What’s New in the Third Edition:
The first half of the book brings together and describes possible interactions between the ground and a retaining wall. It also includes materials that factor in available software packages dealing with seepage and slope instability, therefore providing a greater understanding of design issues and allowing readers to readily check computer output. The second part of the book begins by describing the background of Eurocode 7, and ends with detailed information about gravity walls, embedded walls, and composite walls. It also includes recent material on propped and braced excavations as well as work on soil nailing, anchored walls, and cofferdams. Previous chapters on the development of earth pressure theory and on graphical techniques have been moved to an appendix.

Earth Pressure and Earth-Retaining Structures, Third Edition is written for practicing geotechnical, civil, and structural engineers and forms a reference for engineering geologists, geotechnical researchers, and undergraduate civil engineering students.

Table Contents

Part I


Soil behaviour

Origin, composition and structure of soils and rocks

Soil strength and effective stress

Dilatancy and the critical state

Strength on preexisting failure planes

Soil stiffness and ground movements

Consolidation and swelling— ‘short- term’ and ‘long-term’ conditions

Consequences for engineering design

Structured soils

Soil properties
Soil models used for earth pressure and retaining structure analysis

Site investigation and acquisition of soil parameters

Obtaining required soil parameters from site investigation data

Factors affecting earth pressure
Wall construction

Wall and ground movements

Earth pressure principles


Water and retaining structures
Typical ground water conditions

Seepage and water pressure calculations

Water-induced instability

Groundwater control

Global and local instability
Types of instability affecting retaining structures

Classification of instability and selection of parameters

Base heave and local failure calculations

Limit equilibrium analysis of overall instability

Detecting and stabilising preexisting instability

Stabilisation of slopes using retaining structures

Part II

Wall selection
Reasons for selecting a particular form of retaining wall

Gravity walls

Embedded walls

Composite walls and other support systems

Preliminary selection of wall type

Avoiding failure
Defining failure

Uncertainties in design

Providing for uncertainty—introducing safety and reliability

Summary of practice –

Introduction to analysis
Rules of thumb

Evidential methods

Closed-form solutions

Limit analysis

Limit equilibrium analyses

Discrete spring models

Continuum models

Gravity walls
Preliminary design

Detailed design—limit states for external stability

Internal stability

Calculations to Eurocode 7 for a gravity wall

Embedded walls
Selection of soil parameters

Preliminary design

Design of sheet-pile walls using limit equilibrium calculations

Propped and braced excavations

Bored pile and diaphragm walls

King post and soldier pile walls

Composite walls and other support systems
Reinforced soil

Multi-anchored earth retaining structures

Soil nailing

Design of bridge abutments for earth pressure


Appendix A: Classical earth pressure theory

Appendix B: Earth pressure coefficients



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