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Jet Grouting.Technology, Design and Control



Unlike similar titles providing general information on ground improvement, Jet Grouting: Technology, Design and Control is entirely devoted to the role of jet grouting – its methods and equipment, as well as its applications.


  • ISBN: 978-0-415-52640-1
  • Páginas: 302
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2014

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Jet Grouting.Technology, Design and Control

Unlike similar titles providing general information on ground improvement, Jet Grouting: Technology, Design and Control is entirely devoted to the role of jet grouting – its methods and equipment, as well as its applications. It discusses the possible effects of jet grouting on different soils and examines common drawbacks, failures and disadvantages, recent advances, critical reviews, and the range of applications, illustrated with relevant case studies.

The book addresses several topics involving this popular worldwide practice including technology issues, the interpretation of the mechanisms taking place during the grouting, the quantitative prediction of their effects, the design of jet-grouted structures, and procedures for controlling jet grouting results.

Discusses the design criteria for jet grouting projects and reviews existing design rules and codes of practice of different countries
Provides practical methods for design calculations of the most important jet-grouted structures such as foundations, earth retaining walls, water cut-offs, bottom plugs, and provisional tunnel supports

Includes the current standard control methods and most innovative techniques reported for the implementation of quality control and quality assurance procedures

Jet Grouting: Technology, Design and Control analyzes the typical jet-grouted structures, such as foundations, earth retaining walls, water cut-offs, bottom plugs and tunnel supports, and serves as a practical manual for the correct use of jet grouting technology.




List of symbols

1 Introduction

1.1 Ground improvement and geotechnical engineering
1.2 Brief history of jet grouting
1.3 The reasons for success
1.4 Why a book on jet grouting?

2 Technology

2.1 Technological features
2.2 Jet grouting procedure
2.3 Jet grouting system
 2.3.1 Single fluid system
 2.3.2 Double fluid system
 2.3.3 Triple fluid system
 2.3.4 Technological evolutions
2.4 Columns overlapping
2.5 Columns reinforcement
2.6 Grout mix and spoil
 2.6.1 Grout mix
 2.6.2 Spoil
2.7 Jet grouting plant
 2.7.1 Fundamental tools
 2.7.2 Grout mixing
 2.7.3 Pumps and compressors
 2.7.4 Drilling and grouting rigs
2.8 Treatment parameters

3 Mechanisms and effects

3.1 Preliminary considerations
3.2 Submerged jet
 3.2.1 Experimental observations
 3.2.2 Numerical modelling
 3.2.3 Simplified formulations
 3.2.4 Specific energy
3.3 Jet–soil interaction

4 Column properties

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Treatment efficiency
4.3 Diameter of columns
 4.3.1 Experimental evidence
 4.3.2 Mean diameter Simplified prediction of mean diameter Advanced prediction of mean diameter
 4.3.3 Variability of diameter
4.4 Deviation of the columns axis
4.5 Jet-grouted material
4.5.1 Material composition
4.5.2 Unit weight
4.5.3 Mechanical properties Strength Stiffness Variability of mechanical properties
4.5.4 Permeability

5 Jet-grouted structures

5.1 Elements and structures
5.2 Foundations
5.3 Retaining structures
5.4 Water barriers
5.5 Tunnels
5.6 Other applications

6 Design principles

6.1 Basic considerations
6.1.1 Design goals
6.1.2 Guidelines and codes of practice
6.2 From columns to structures
6.3 Design approaches
6.4 Design properties of columns
6.4.1 Diameter of columns Deterministic approach Semiprobabilistic approach
6.4.2 Inclination of columns Deterministic approach Semiprobabilistic approach
6.4.3 Mechanical properties of the jet-grouted material Deterministic approach Semiprobabilistic approach
6.4.4 Mechanical behaviour of reinforced columns
6.4.5 Probabilistic approach

7 Design examples

7.1 Selected applications
7.2 Foundations
7.2.1 Jet-grouted block
7.2.2 Jet-grouted raft Soil–column interaction Column resistance Calculation example: Vertically loaded jet-grouted rafts Laterally loaded single column
7.3 Tunnel canopies and vertical shafts
7.3.1 Jet-grouted canopies Semiprobabilistic approach Probabilistic approach SSI in the probabilistic approach Calculation example with the probabilistic approach
7.3.2 Jet-grouted shafts
7.3.3 Three-dimensional effects

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