Soil Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition effectively explores the nature of soil, explains the principles of soil mechanics, and examines soil as an engineering material. This latest edition includes all the fundamental concepts of soil mechanics,
How Does Soil Behave and Why Does It Behave That Way?
Soil Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition effectively explores the nature of soil, explains the principles of soil mechanics, and examines soil as an engineering material. This latest edition includes all the fundamental concepts of soil mechanics, as well as an introduction to foundation engineering, including coverage of site exploration, shallow and deep foundation design, and slope stability. It presents the material in a systematic, step-by-step manner, and contains numerous problems, examples, and solutions.
New to the Second Edition:
The revised text expands the contents to include an introductory foundation engineering section to make the book cover the full range of geotechnical engineering. The book includes three new chapters: Site Exploration, Deep Foundations, and Slope Stability.
This text:
•Provides an introductory chapter on soil mechanics
•Explores the origin and description of soils and discusses soil shapes and gradations
•Presents the unique characteristics of clays
•Details soil classifications by the Unified Soil Classification System (also ASTM) and by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)
•Highlights laboratory and field compaction techniques, including field specification and density testing,, and the CBR (California Bearing Ratio) method
•Discusses the flow of water through soils, defining hydraulic heads, as well as the two-dimensional flow net technique and a systematic approach to compute boundary water pressures
•Examines the concept of effective stress and its applications to various soil mechanics problems
•Explores stress increments in a soil mass due to various types of footing load on the ground
•Presents Terzaghi’s one-dimensional consolidation theory and its applications
•Covers Mohr’s circle from geotechnical perspectives with use of the pole, which is utilized in chapters relating to shear strength and lateral earth pressure
•Addresses the shear strength of soils, failure criteria, and laboratory as well as field shear strength determination techniques
•Evaluates at-rest earth pressure and the classic Rankine and Coulomb active and passive pressure theories and present critical review of those methods
•Reviews introductory foundation engineering and site exploration
•Describes the bearing capacity theory and, as an application, the shallow foundation design procedure
•Covers deep and shallow foundation design procedures
•Explains slope stability problems and remediation procedures, and more
Soil Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications, Second Edition is a concise and thorough text that explains soil’s fundamental behavior and its applications to foundation designs and slope stability problems and incorporates basic engineering science knowledge with engineering practices and practical applications.
Table Contents
- Soil Mechanics and Related Fields
- Biography of Dr. Karl von Terzaghi
- Uniqueness of Soils
- Approaches to Soil Mechanics Problems
- Examples of Soil Mechanics Problems
- Leaning Tower of Pisa
- Sinking of Kansai International Airport
- Liquefaction - Sand Becomes Liquidd during Earthquake
Physical Properties of Soils
- Introduction
- Origin of Soils
- Soil Particle Shapes
- Definitions of Terms with Three-Phase Diagram
- Particle Size and Gradation
- Summary
- References
- Problems
Clays and Their Behavior
- Introduction
- Clay Minerals
- Kaolinite Clay
- Montmorillonite Clay
- Illite Clay
- Clay Shapes and Surface Areas
- Surface Charge of Clay Particles
- Clay-Water Systems
- Interaction of Clay Particles
- Van der Waal´s Force ( Attractive )
- Dipole-Cation-Dipole Attraction
- Cation Linkage ( Attractive )
- Cation-Cation Repulsive Force
- Anion-Anion Repulsive Force
- Clay Structures
- Atterberg Limits and Indices
- Activity
- Swelling and Shrinkage of Clays
- Sensitivity and Quick Clay
- Clay Versus Sand
- Summary
- References
- Problems
Soil Classification
- Introduction
- Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)
- For G or S
- For C,M,O.or Pt
- AASHTO Classification System
- Summary
- References
- Problems
- Introduction
- Relative Density
- Laboratory Compaction Test
- Standard Proctor Test Procedure
- Compaction Curve
- Zero Air Void Curve
- Compaction Energy
- Specification of Compaction in the Field
- Field Compaction Methods
- Compaction Equipment
- Dynamic Compaction
- Field Density Determinations
- Sand Cone Method
- Other Field Density Methods
- California Bearing Ratio Test
- Summary
- References
- Problems
Flow of Water through Soils
- Introduction
- Hydraulic Heads and Water Flow
- Darcy’s Equation
- Coefficient of Permeability
- Hazen´s Formula
- Chapui´s Formula
- Kozeny and Carman´s Formula
- Laboratory Determination of Coefficient of Permeability
- Constant Head Permeability Test
- Falling Head Permeability Test
- Field Determination of Coefficient of Permeability
- Unconfined Permeable Layed Underlain by Impervious Layer
- Confined Aquifer
- Flow Net
- One-Dimensional Flow Net
- Flow Net for Two-Dimensional Problems with Isotropic Soils
- Pressure Heads in Flow Net
- Boundary Water Pressures
- Summary
- References
- Problems
Effective Stress
- Introduction
- Total Stress Versus Effective Stress
- Effective Stress Computations in Soil Mass
- Dry Soil Layers
- Soil Layers with Steady Water Table
- Totally Submerged Soil Layers
- Effective Stress Change due to Water Table Change
- Capillary Rise and Effective Stress
- Effective Stress with Water Flow
- Quicksand (Sand Boiling)
- Heave of Clay due to Excavation
- Dry Excavation
- Wet Excavation
- Summary
- References
- Problems
Stress Increments in Soil Mass
- Introduction
- Approximate Slope Method
- Vertical Stress Increment due to a Point Load
- Vertical Stress Increment due to a Line Load
- Vertical Stress Increment due to a Strip Load
- Vertical Stress Increment under a Circular Footing
- Vertical Stress Increment under an Embankment Load
- Vertical Stress Increment under Corner of Rectangular Footing
- Vertical Stress Increment under Irregularly Shaped Footing
- Summary
- References
- Problems
- Introduction
- Elastic Settlements
- Primary Consolidation Settlement
- One-Dimensional Primary Consolidation Model
- Terzaghi’s Consolidation Theory
- Laboratory Consolidation Test
- Determination of C
- Log t Method
- t Method
- e-log σ Curve
- Normally Consolidated and Overconsolidated Soils
- Final Consolidation Settlement for Thin Clay Layer
- Normally Consolidated Soils
- Overconsolidated Soils
- Consolidation Settlement for Multilayers or a Thick Clay Layer
- Summary of Primary Consolidation Computations
- The " How Much " Problem
- The " How Soon" Problem ( Rate Problem )
- Secondary Compression
- Allowable Settlement
- Ground-Improving Techniques against Consolidation Settlement
- Vertical Drain ( Paper Drain,Wick Drain, and Sand Drain ) Techniques
- Preloading Techniques
- Vacuum Consolidation Technique
- Summary
- References
- Problems
Mohr’s Circle in Soil Mechanics
- Introduction
- Concept of Mohr’s Circle
- Stress Transformation
- Mohr’s Circle Construction
- Sign Convention of Shear Stress
- Pole (Origin of Planes) of Mohr’s Circle
- Summary of Usage of Mohr’s Circle and Pole
- Examples of Usage of Mohr’s Circle and Pole in Soil Mechanics
- Shear Failure Direction on Soil Specimen
- Failure Zone in Rankine´s Lateral Earth
- Pressure Theory
- Summary
- Reference
- Problems
Shear Strength of Soils
- Introduction
- Failure Criteria
- Direct Shear Test
- Unconfined Compression Test
- Triaxial Compression Test
- General Concept and Test Setup
- Initial Consolidation Process and drainage condition during shear
- Consolidated Undrained (CD) Triaxial Test
- Consolidated Undrained (CU) Triaxial Test with Pore Water Pressure Measurement
- Effective Stress Parameters from CU and CD Tests
- Unconsolidated Undrained (UU)Test
- Other Shear Test Devices
- Vane Shear Device
- Tor-Vane Shear Test
- Pocket Penetrometer
- Summary of Strength Parameters for Saturated Claysç
- UU Test
- CD Test and CU Test ( Effective Stress )
- Applications of Strength Parameters from CD, CU, and UU Tests to In Situ Cases
- Construcion of Embankment on soft Clay soil at Once (UU Case )
- Foundation Design for rapidky constructed Superstructures
- Staged Construction of embankment on soft clay (CU Case )
- Strength Parameters for granular soils
- Direction of Failure Planes on Sheared Specimen
- summary
- References
- Problems
Lateral Earth Pressure
- Introduction
- At-Rest, Active, and Passive Pressures
- At-Rest Earth Pressure
- Elastic Solution
- Empirical Formulae
- Rankine’s Lateral Earth Pressure Theory
- Active Case
- Passive Case
- Summary of Rankine´s Pressure Distributions
- Coulomb’s Earth Pressure
- Active Case
- Passive Case
- Coulomb´s Lateral Pressure Distribution
- Lateral Earth Pressure due to Surcharge Load
- Due to Infinite long uniform Surchange load
- Due to point load ( Non-Yielding Wall)
- Due to Strip Load ( Non-Yielding wall)
- Coulomb, Rankine, or Other Pressures?
Site Exploration
- Introduction
- Site Exploration Program
- Geophysical Methods
- Ground Penetration Radar Survey
- Seismic Surveys
- Borehole Drilling
- Number of Boings
- Depth of Boreholes
- Standard Penetration Test
- Undisturbed Soil Samplers
- Groundwater Monitoring
- Cone Penetration Test
- Other In Situ Tests
- Vane Shear Test
- Pressuremeter Test
- Dilatometer Test
- Summary
- References
Bearing Capacity and Shallow Foundations
- Introduction
- Terzaghi’s Bearing Capacity Theory
- Generalized Bearing Capacity Equation
- Shape Factors
- Depth Factors
- Correction due to Water Table Elevation
- Gross Versus Net Bearing Capacity
- Factor of Safety on Bearing Capacity
- F.S.for Gross Bearing Capacity
- F.S.for Strength Parameters
- Shallow Foundation Design
- Footing Depth
- Design Method
- Summary
- References
- Problems
Deep Foundations
- Introduction
- Types of Piles
- Load Carrying Capacity by Static Analytical Methods
- Tip Area A And Perimeter of Pile "p"
- Static Pile Capacity on Sandy Soils
- Tip Resistance
- Skin Friction Resistance
- Static Pile Capacity in Cohesive Soils
- Tip Resistance
- Skin Friction Resistance
Other Methods of Pile Capacity Estimation
- Pile Capacity from SPT and CPT Data
- Pile Load Test
- Pile Driving Formula
- Dynamic Pile Analysis
- Negative Skin Friction
- Group Pile
- Consolidation Settlement of Group Piles
- Pullout Resistance
- Summary
- References
- Problems
Slope Stability
- Introduction
- Slope Failure
- Slope Failure Modes
- Mechanism of Slope Failure
- Factor of Safety against Sliding
- Increases in Triggering factors
- Decreases in resisting Factors
- Factor of safety against Soil´s Strength
- Slope Stability Analytical Methods
- Limit Equilibrium Method
- Short-Term and Long Term Stability Analysis
- Slope Stability of a semi-infinitely Long Slope
- Dry Slope
- Slope under Steady Water Table
- Slope with Water Flow Parallel to Slope Direction
- Flow Surface at slope surface (h.z)
- Flow surface at sliding surface (H.0)
- Flow surface bellow Sliding surface with Consideration of capillary Rise
- Slope with horizontal water Flow
- Slope with water flow in O Angle Direction from horizontal
- Stability Analysis for circular Slip Surface
- Material ( Cohesive Soils )
- and Material ( Granular Soils )
- Slice Method
- Analysis for Multiple Liner Sliding Surfaces
- Stabilization for Unstable Slopes
- Change of Slope Shape
- Drainage of Water from Slope
- Construction of Counterweight Berms
- Retaining Wall Construction
- Summary
- Numerical Answers to Selected Problems