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Earthworks: A guide



Earthworks: a guide outlines the key principles and practicalities of earthworks for projects of all scales, for the construction of minor works through to major earth structures. It provides comprehensive coverage of the essential processes behind: classification of fills, excavation, fill material design, fill selection, fill compaction, and cutting and embankment stability, offering information on these critical topics to earthworks engineers.


  • ISBN: 9780727741165
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2015

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Contenido Earthworks: A guide

Earthworks: A guide outlines the key principles and practicalities of earthworks for projects of all scales, for the construction of minor works through to major earth structures. It provides comprehensive coverage of the essential processes behind: classification of fills, excavation, fill material design, fill selection, fill compaction, and cutting and embankment stability, offering information on these critical topics to earthworks engineers.

Earthworks operations include the excavation, transport, placement and compaction of fill materials to construct earth structures, and is a significant element of almost all civil engineering projects.  A good understanding of earthworks design and construction enables the delivery of successful projects and avoidance of costly problems.

Earthworks: A guide:

builds on the original work by Neil Trenter, and is revised and updated in line with current  standards and practiceestablishes the essential theoretical background to the compaction process
explains design and construction control and monitoring procedures necessary for earthworks
describes different approaches to the selection of engineering properties for designing earth structures
includes a description of safety factors for slopes and embankments.

Earthworks discusses the practical consequences of the choices made by engineers, it evaluates environmental, economic and ground risk management factors, and provides essential information and practical advice to those working in earthwork engineering today.

Addressing the needs of all involved in earthworks, there are chapters dedicated to design, construction control and the essential processes behind fills and excavations.

This guide is an invaluable and authoritative reference tool for geotechnical engineers, geology specialists and civil engineers working in earthworks.


Earthworks: an historical perspective

1.1. Highways
1.2. Canals
1.3. Railways
1.4. Reservoirs
1.5. Modern development of a design-based approach References
The compaction process

2.1. Introduction
2.2. Phase relationships
2.3. Optimum water content and maximum dry density
2.4. Effect of compactive effort
2.5. Effect of initial fill water content
2.6. Compaction of fill with oversize particles References
An introduction to fill classification and a commentary on some characteristics of fine (cohesive) fills

3.1. Soil description and fill classification
3.2. Special characteristics of clay soils
3.3. Properties
3.4. Behaviour of fine (cohesive) fill: temporary works
3.5. Behaviour of fine (cohesive) fill: permanent works
3.6. Clay fill as landfill liner References
Some characteristics of coarse (granular) and weak rock fill

4.1. Introduction
4.2. Soil description and fill classification
4.3. Properties
4.4. Behaviour of coarse (granular) and some weak rock fills: temporary works
4.5. Behaviour of coarse (granular) and some weak rock fills: permanent works References
Some characteristics of soft rocks

5.1. General
5.2. Mercia Mudstone
5.3. Chalk
5.4. Other soft rocks References
Some properties of industrial fill

6.1. Introduction
6.2. Colliery discard (minestone)
6.3. Pulverised fuel ash (PFA)
6.4. Construction and demolition waste
6.5. Other natural waste materials
6.6. Other industrial waste products
6.7. Use of material as working platforms References
Earthworks specifications

7.1. Introduction
7.2. Method specification
7.3. End-product specification
7.4. Performance specification
7.5. Hybrid types of specification References
Earthworks fill design and setting specification limits

8.1. Introduction
8.2. Investigations for earthworks
8.3. Preliminary design considerations
8.4. Design and control testing
8.5. Compaction trials
8.6. Control test frequency References

9.1. Introduction
9.2. Soil excavation
9.3. Definition of rock
9.4. Rock excavation
9.5. Bulking and shrinkage References
Placement and compaction of fill

10.1. Introduction
10.2. Preparation of site prior to filling
10.3. Fill deposition
10.4. Factors influencing compaction
10.5. Fill conditioning
10.6. Special problems
10.7. Earthworks validation References
Cuttings: some design and construction considerations

11.1. Introduction
11.2. Cuttings in soil: method of approach
11.3. Stability analysis: long-term condition
11.4. Stability analysis: short-term condition
11.5. Effect of shallow depth features on stability
11.6. Drainage and frost-heave
11.7. Vegetation
11.8. Cuttings in rock: method of approach
11.9. Stabilisation of cutting slopes References

Embankments: some design and construction considerations

12.1. Introduction
12.2. Method of approach
12.3. Stability analysis: long-term condition
12.4. Stability analysis: short-term condition
12.5. Settlement
12.6. Effect of shallow depth features on stability
12.7. Construction aspects
12.8. Drainage aspects
Factor of safety of cuttings and embankments

13.1. General
13.2. Possible approach to factor of safety selection References

Earthworks asset management

14.1. Introduction
14.2. Asset management systems
14.3. Asset catalogue and assessment
14.4. Stability and performance
14.5. Remediation of existing assets References

Use of instrumentation

15.1. General
15.2. Types of instrumentation References

Safety considerations

16.1 General
16.2 Legislation and guidance
16.3 Management of health and safety risks References

End product specification for engineered fill supporting low rise structures(from NA Trenter and JA Charles, 1996)

A1. Engineered fill
A2. Selection of end product requirements
A3. Preparation of site
A4. Disposition of fill
A5. Placing and compacting fill
A6. Control testing
A7. Monitoring of fill performance References
Examples of plant commonly used for earthworks

Plant to excavate and load Earthmoving plant Bulldozers and motor graders
Compaction plant Earthworks processing References

Earthmoving Compaction Reference

Planning and construction for earthworks projects


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