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Bridge maintenance safety and management



This book contains the abstracts of the 231 papers from 29 countries scheduled for presentation at the first International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS’02, held in Barcelona,


  • ISBN: 8495999056
  • Páginas: 504
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2002

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Contenido Bridge maintenance safety and management

This book contains the abstracts of the 231 papers from 29 countries scheduled for presentation at the first International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management, IABMAS’02, held in Barcelona, Spain, July 14-17, 2002. The full-length papers are included in CD-ROM proceedings. All major aspects of bridge maintenance , safety and management are addressed including assessment and evaluation, bridge codes, bridge diagnostics, bridge management systems, durability, deterioration modelling, emerging technologies, field testing, financial planning, health monitoring, high perfomance materials, inspection, loads, maintenance strategies, new technical and material concepts, nondestructive testing, rehabilitation, reliability amd risk management, repair, replacement, sfety and serviceability, service life prediction, strengthening, and whole life costing, among others. This book and the strengthening, and whole life costing, among others. This book and the CD-ROM proceedings of IABMAS’02 are a valuable contribution to the process of making better and more rational decisions in bridge maintenance, safety and management for the purpose of enhancing the welfare of society.

Keynote Lectures
Bridge Management Systems
Assessment and Evaluation
Design, Analysis and Modelling
Case Studies
Health Monitoring
Safety and Serviceability
Smart Structures
Monitoring and Rehabilitation
Bridge Management and Repair
Bridge Diagnostics
Reliability and Risk Management
High Performance Materials
Health Monitoring for Management
Monitoring and Evaluation Systems for Long-Term Reliability
Deterioration Modelling
Maintenance and life Cycle Cost
Seismic Design and Retrofitting
Field Testing
Whole Life Costing 
Continuous Health Monitoring Systems

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