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Bridges Analysis, Design, Structural Health Monitoring, and Rehabilitation



This book offers a valuable guide for practicing bridge engineers and graduate students in structural engineering; its main purpose is to present the latest concepts in bridge engineering in fairly easy-to-follow terms.


  • ISBN: 978-3-319-17842-4
  • Páginas: 425
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2016

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 3 a 7 Días

Contenido Bridges Analysis, Design, Structural Health Monitoring, and Rehabilitation

This book offers a valuable guide for practicing bridge engineers and graduate students in structural engineering; its main purpose is to present the latest concepts in bridge engineering in fairly easy-to-follow terms.

The book provides details of easy-to-use computer programs for:

· Analysing slab-on-girder bridges for live load distribution.

· Analysing slab and other solid bridge components for live load distribution.

· Analysing and designing concrete deck slab overhangs of girder bridges under vehicular loads.

· Determining the failure loads of concrete deck slabs of girder bridges under concentrated wheel loads.

In addition, the book includes extensive chapters dealing with the design of wood bridges and soil-steel bridges. Further, a unique chapter on structural health monitoring (SHM) will help bridge engineers determine the actual load carrying capacities of bridges, as opposed to their perceived analytical capacities.

The chapter addressing structures made with fibre-reinforced polymers will allow engineers to design highly durable, economical and sustainable structures. This chapter also provides guidance on rehabilitating deteriorated structures with these new materials.

The book also deals with the philosophy of bridge design without resorting to complex equations.

Tablet Contents

1 Loads and Codes

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Vehicle Loads
       1.2.1 Equivalent Base Length
       1.2.2 Formulation of Design Live Loads
       1.2.3 Accounting for Dynamic Loads
1.3 Design Philosophy
       1.3.1 Probabilistic Mechanics
       1.3.2 Limit States Design
       1.3.3 Safety Factor

2 Analysis by Manual Calculations

2.1 Introduction
2.2 Distribution Coefficient Methods
2.3 Simplified Methods of North America
       2.3.1 Old AASHTO Method
       2.3.2 Concept of D Method
       2.3.3 New AASHTO Method
       2.3.4 Canadian Methods
       2.3.5 CHBDC Method .
2.4 Two Proposed Methods for Two-Lane Slab-On-Girder Bridges
       2.4.1 Simplified Method for Indian Road Congress Bridge Design Loads
       2.4.2 Simplified Method for HB Design Loads
2.5 Analysis of Two-Girder Bridges
       2.5.1 Two-Girder Bridges
       2.5.2 Calculation of Stiffnesses
       2.5.3 Numerical Example

3 Analysis by Computer

3.1 Introduction
3.2 The Semi-Continuum Method
       3.2.1   2-D Assembly of Beams
       3.2.2 Harmonic Analysis of Beams
       3.2.3 Basis of the Method
       3.2.4 Structures with Intermediate Supports
       3.2.5 Shear-weak Grillages
       3.2.6 Intermediate Diaphragms
3.3 Computer Program Secan
       3.3.1 Installation
       3.3.2 Input Data
       3.3.3 Example of Use
       3.3.4 Comparison with Grillage Analysis
       3.3.5 Idealization of Loads
       3.3.6 Example of Data Output by SECAN
3.4 The Orthotropic Plate Method
       3.4.1 Basis of the Orthotropic Method
       3.4.2 Computer Program PLATO
       3.4.3 Data Input for PLATO
       3.4.4 Example of Use

4 Arching in Deck Slabs

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Mechanics of Arching Action .
       4.2.1 Model that Failed in Bending
       4.2.2 Model that Failed in Punching Shear
       4.2.3 Edge Stiffening
4.3 Internally Restrained Deck Slabs
       4.3.1 Static Tests on Scale Models
       4.3.2 Pulsating Load Tests on Scale Models
       4.3.3 Field Testing
       4.3.4 An Experimental Bridge
       4.3.5 Ontario Code, First Edition
       4.3.6 Research in Other Jurisdictions
       4.3.7 Ontario Code, Second and Third Editions
       4.3.8 Rolling Load Tests on Scale Models
       4.3.9 Miscellaneous Recent Research
       4.3.10 Role of Reinforcement on Deck Slab Strength
4.4 Externally Restrained Deck Slabs
       4.4.1 First Experimental Study
       4.4.2 Second Experimental Study
       4.4.3 Reinforcement for Negative Transverse Moments
       4.4.4 Static Tests on a Full-Scale Model
       4.4.5 Rolling Wheel Tests on a Full-Scale Model
4.5 Fatigue Resistance of Deck Slabs
       4.5.1 Wheel Loads Data
       4.5.2 Number of Cycles Versus Failure Load
       4.5.3 Fatigue Tests on Externally Restrained Deck Slabs
4.6 Bridges with Externally Restrained Deck Slabs .
4.7 Proposed Design Method
       4.7.1 Concrete Deck Slabs with Steel Reinforcement
       4.7.2 Concrete Deck Slabs with FRP Reinforcement
       4.7.3 Externally Restrained Deck Slabs
4.8 Analytical Method for Predicting Failure Load
       4.8.1 Formulation
       4.8.2 Program PUNCH
4.9 Other Analytical Method for Predicting Failure Load

5 Cantilever Slabs .

5.1 Introduction
      5.1.1 Definitions
      5.1.2.Mechanics of Behaviour
      5.1.3 Negative Moments in Internal Panel .
      5.1.4 Cantilever Slab of Semi-infinite Length
5.2 Methods of Analysis
      5.2.1 Unstiffened Cantilever Slab of Infinite Length
      5.2.2 Proposed Method of Analysis for Slabs of Infinite Length .
      5.2.3 Method of Analysis for Slabs of Semi-infinite Length
      5.2.4 Program ANDECAS
5.3 Arching in Cantilever Slabs

6 Wood Bridges .

6.1 Introduction
6.2 Stress-Laminated Wood Decks
      6.2.1 Design Specifications
6.3 Examples of SWDs
      6.3.1 Decks with External Post-Tensioning
      6.3.2 Decks with Internal Post-Tensioning
      6.3.3 Prestress Losses
6.4 Steel: Wood Composite Bridges
6.5 Stressed-Log Bridges
6.6 Grout-Laminated Bridges
6.7 Stressed Wood Decks with FRP Tendons
6.8 Anchored Log Decks

7 Soil-Steel Bridges

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Mechanics of Behaviour
       7.2.1 Infinitely Long Tube in Half-Space
       7.2.2 Third Dimension Effect
7.3 Geotechnical Considerations
7.4 Shallow and Deep Corrugations
7.5 General Design Provisions
      7.5.1 Design Criteria
      7.5.2 Dead Load Thrust
      7.5.3 Live Load Thrust
      7.5.4 Conduit Wall Strength in Compression
      7.5.5 Longitudinal Seam Strength
7.6 Design with Deep Corrugations
7.7 Other Design Criteria
      7.7.1 Minimum Depth of Cover
      7.7.2 Deformations During Construction
      7.7.3 Extent of Engineered Backfill
      7.7.4 Differences in Radii of Curvature and Plate Thickness .
      7.7.5 Footings
7.8 Construction
      7.8.1 Foundation .
      7.8.2 Bedding
      7.8.3 Assembly and Erection
      7.8.4 Engineered Backfill
       7.8.5 Headwalls and Appurtenances
       7.8.6 Site Supervision and Control
7.9 Special Features
       7.9.1 Reduction of Load Effects
       7.9.2 Reinforcing the Conduit Wall
       7.9.3 Reinforcing the Backfill
7.10 Examples of Recent Structures
       7.10.1 A Soil-Steel Bridge in the UK
       7.10.2 An Animal Overpass in Poland
       7.10.3 A Bridge for a Mining Road in Alberta, Canada

8 Fibre Reinforced Bridges

8.1 Introduction
      8.1.1 General
      8.1.2 Definitions
      8.1.3 Abbreviations
      8.1.4 Scope of the Chapter
8.2 Fibre Reinforced Polymer
      8.2.1 Structural Properties of Fibres
      8.2.2 Design Considerations
      8.2.3 The Most Economical FRP
8.3 Fibre Reinforced Concrete
      8.3.1 FRC with Low Modulus Fibres .
      8.3.2 FRC with High Modulus Fibres
8.4 Earlier Case Histories .
      8.4.1 Bridges in Germany
      8.4.2 Bridges in Japan
      8.4.3 Bridges in North America
8.5 Design Provisions
      8.5.1 Durability
      8.5.2 Cover to Reinforcement
      8.5.3 Resistance Factors
      8.5.4 Fibre Reinforced Concrete
      8.5.5 Protective Measures
      8.5.6 Concrete Beams and Slabs
References .

9 Rehabilitation with FRPs

9.1 Introduction
9.2 Rehabilitation of Concrete Components with FRPs
       9.2.1 Strengthening for Flexural Components .
       9.2.2 Strengthening of Compression Components
       9.2.3 Strengthening for Shear
       9.2.4 Case Histories of Column Rehabilitation
9.3 Rehabilitation of Timber Beams
       9.3.1 General Requirements
       9.3.2 Strengthening for Flexure
       9.3.3 Strengthening for Shear

10 Structural Health Monitoring

10.1 Introduction
10.2 Civionics
10.3 Truss Bridges
         10.3.1 General Concepts
         10.3.2 Buckling of Trusses
         10.3.3 Case Histories
10.4 Slab-On-Girder Bridges
         10.4.1 Designing of an SHM System
         10.4.2 Case Histories Dealing with Boundary Conditions
         10.4.3 Case Histories Dealing with Load Distribution
10.5 Summary

11 Bridge Weighing-in-Motion

11.1 Introduction
11.2 State-of-the-Art
        11.2.1 Ohio Method
        11.2.2 Ontario Method
        11.2.3 Australian Method .
        11.2.4 Japanese Reaction Force Method
        11.2.5 A Variation of the Reaction Force Method .
        11.2.6 Connecticut Method
        11.2.7 Other Methods .
        11.2.8 Accuracy
11.3 Manitoba Methods
        11.3.1 Asymmetry Coefficient Method .
        11.3.2 Area Method
        11.3.3 Two Stations Method
        11.3.4 Beta Method
11.4 A Case History
        11.4.1 Details of Bridge and Calibration Trucks
        11.4.2 Calculation of Bridge Constant C
        11.4.3 Calculation of Vehicle Speed
        11.4.4 Observed Transverse Load Distribution
        11.4.5 Smoothing of Raw Strains
        11.4.6 Analysis for Load Distribution
        11.4.7 Calculation of n for Asymmetry Method
11.5 GVW Estimation for High Speed Tests
        11.5.1 The Asymmetry Method .
        11.5.2 The Two Stations Method
        11.5.3 The Area Method
        11.5.4 The Beta Method
11.6 BWIM: A Tool for Bridge Management
11.7 Concluding Remarks

12 Bridge Aesthetics

12.1 Introduction
12.2 Theory of Numbers
12.3 Pythagorean Theory
12.4 The Golden Mean
12.5 Harmonizing Beauty, Utility and the Environment
12.6 Artists Who Work in 3-D Forms
12.7 Incorporation of a Cultural Motif
         12.7.1 A Skyway Proposal for Karachi
         12.7.2 Arches and Domes
         12.7.3 The Karachi Skyway Project
12.8 Concluding Remarks .
Index .

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