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Concrete Segmental Bridges: Theory, Design, and Construction to AASHTO LRFD Specifications



Segmental concrete bridges have become one of the main options for major transportation projects world-wide. They offer expedited construction with minimal traffic disruption, lower life cycle costs, appealing aesthetics and adaptability to a curved roadway alignment


  • ISBN: 9781498799003
  • Páginas: 994
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Ingles
  • Año: 2020

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Concrete Segmental Bridges: Theory, Design, and Construction to AASHTO LRFD Specifications

Segmental concrete bridges have become one of the main options for major transportation projects world-wide. They offer expedited construction with minimal traffic disruption, lower life cycle costs, appealing aesthetics and adaptability to a curved roadway alignment. The literature is focused on construction, so this fills the need for a design-oriented book for less experienced bridge engineers and for senior university students.

It presents comprehensive theory, design and key construction methods, with a simple design example based on the AASHTO LRFD Design Specifications for each of the main bridge types. It outlines design techniques and relationships between analytical methods, specifications, theory, design, construction and practice. It combines mathematics and engineering mechanics with the authors’ design and teaching experience.

Table of Contents

Unit Conversion Factors


Principal Notations

Chapter I. Introduction to Concrete Segmental Bridges

Chapter II. Loads on Bridges and General Design Methods

Chapter III. Fundamentals of Segmental Bridge Analysis and Design

Chapter IV General Analytical Theory of Superstructures

Chapter V. Design of Span-By-Span Construction and Common Details of Segmental Bridges

Chapter VI. Design of Cantilever Segmental Bridges

Chapter VII. Design of Incrementally Launched Segmental Bridges

Chapter VIII. Design of Post-Tensioned Spliced Girder Bridges

Chapter IX. Design of Segmental Arch Bridges

Chapter X. Design of Concrete Segmental Cable-Stayed Bridges

Chapter XI. Design of Substructures

Chapter XII. Segmental Bridge Construction


    AASHTO-PCI-ASBI Segmental Box Girder Standards

    Typical Post-Tensioning Systems by Freyssinet and TENSA

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