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From Sea to Shore - Meeting the Challenges of the Sea - 2 Vol.



The ICE Coasts, Maritime Structures and Breakwaters conference series, sponsored by the ICE for over thirty years, is the leading forum for the presentation of the latest developments in coastal and maritime engineering.


  • ISBN: 9780727759757
  • Páginas: 1480
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Español
  • Año: 2014

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido From Sea to Shore - Meeting the Challenges of the Sea - 2 Vol.

The ICE Coasts, Maritime Structures and Breakwaters conference series, sponsored by the ICE for over thirty years, is the leading forum for the presentation of the latest developments in coastal and maritime engineering.

The tenth conference, From Sea to Shore – Meeting the Challenges of the Sea, was the largest in the history of the series attracting over 450 delegates and 130 papers across 3 plenary and 27 parallel sessions. In addition, these proceedings retain the tradition of including full discussions from each session.

Whilst retaining the historical coverage on shoreline structures and coastal processes, the
conference extended the marine energy theme with emphasis on the civil and coastal engineering interface such as fluid loadings, resource modelling and interactions with the environment.

The papers, presented across two volumes, are divided into three streams:
•The first stream covers topics such as breakwater design, construction, armouring, overtopping
and lessons from historical structures.
•The second stream tackles beaches, coastal structures, processes and erosion, coastal protection
structures and environment schemes, shoreline management and flood forecasting.
•The third stream explores hydrodynamics, wave structure interactions, numerical and physical
modelling, new test facilities and techniques, and renewable energy schemes.

With contributions from industry and academia and a wide range of case studies including the UK, Italy, Pakistan and Hong Kong, From Sea to Shore – Meeting the Challenges of the Sea provides an invaluable reference for engineers and researchers in the field today and for many years to come.


•Breakwaters and coastal structures – what have we learned since 1982
•Session A1 Conference Plenary
•Session A2 Breakwaters (I)
•Session A3 Armour Stability
•Session A4 Coastal Structures
•Session A5 Plenary
•Session A6 Analysis of Structures
•Session A7 Renewables
•Session A8 Overtopping Methods (I)
•Session A9 Overtopping Methods (II)
•Session A10 Breakwaters (III)
•Session A11 Single Layer Armouring
•Session A12 Plenary
•Session B13 Beaches (I)
•Session B14 Water Levels at the Coast
•Session B15 Submerged Breakwaters
•Session B16 Coasts
•Session B17 Physical Modelling Testing
•Session B18 Breakwaters (II)
•Session B19 Coastal Environmental Schemes
•Session B20 Shoreline Management
•Session B21 Flood Forecasting
•Session C22 Hydrodynamics
•Session C23 Coastal Management
•Session C24 Materials and Asset Management
•Session C25 Numerical Modelling
•Session C26 Coastal Protection
•Session C27 Beaches (II)
•Session C28 New Testing Facilities
•Session C29 Wave–Structure Interactions
•Author Index

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