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Structural Engineer's Pocket Book



This third edition is referenced throughout to the structural Eurocodes. After giving general information and details on actions on structures, it runs through reinforced concrete, steel, timber, and masonry. •Provides essential data on steel, concrete, masonry, timber, and other main materials •Pulls together material from a variety of sources for everyday work •Serves as a first point of reference for structural and civil engineers


  • ISBN: 978-0-08-097121-6
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2014

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Structural Engineer's Pocket Book

Functions as a Day-to-Day Resource for Practicing Engineers…

The hugely useful Structural Engineer’s Pocket Book is now overhauled and revised in line with the Eurocodes. It forms a comprehensive pocket reference guide for professional and student structural engineers, especially those taking the IStructE Part 3 exam. With stripped-down basic material—tables, data, facts, formulae, and rules of thumb—it is directly usable for scheme design by structural engineers in the office, in transit, or on site.

…And a Core Reference for Students
It brings together data from many different sources, and delivers a compact source of job-simplifying and time-saving information at an affordable price. It acts as a reliable first point of reference for information that is needed on a daily basis.

This third edition is referenced throughout to the structural Eurocodes. After giving general information and details on actions on structures, it runs through reinforced concrete, steel, timber, and masonry.
•Provides essential data on steel, concrete, masonry, timber, and other main materials
•Pulls together material from a variety of sources for everyday work
•Serves as a first point of reference for structural and civil engineers

A core structural engineering book, Structural Engineer's Pocket Book: Eurocodes, Third Edition benefits both students and industry professionals.

"The book, in its previous editions, has been an essential companion of practising engineers, as well as of students of structural design. The new edition fills a great need to provide the essential data for anyone who may be required to use Eurocodes. This applies to practising engineers as well as undergraduate and postgraduate students of structural design."

—Kuldeep S Virdi, Professor Emeritus, City University, London

Table Contents

General Information

Metric system
Typical metric units for UK structural engineering
Imperial units
Conversion factors
Measurement of angles
Construction documentation and procurement
Drawing conventions
Common arrangement of work sections
Summary of association of consulting engineers conditions of engagement

Statutory Authorities and Permissions
Building regulations and standards
Northern Ireland
Technical booklets
Listed buildings
Conservation areas
Tree preservation orders
Archaeology and ancient monuments
Party Wall etc. Act
Construction design & management
Building information modelling

Design Data
Design data checklist
Structural form
Structural movement joints
Fire resistance periods for structural elements
Typical building tolerances
Historical use of building materials
Selection of materials
Selection of floor construction
Temporary/auxiliary works toolkit
Slimshor compression capacity
Slimshor moment capacity
Ladder beams
Unit beams

Basic and Shortcut Tools for Structural Analysis
Load factors and limit states
Geometric section properties
Parallel axis theorem
Composite sections
Material properties
Coefficients of linear thermal expansion
Coefficients of friction
Sign Conventions
Beam bending theory
Beam bending and deflection formulae
Clapeyron’s equations of three moments
Continuous beam bending formulae
Rigid frames under lateral loads
Taut wires, cables and chains

Eurocode background
Eurocodes and European public procurement rules
Limit state philosophy and Eurocode partial safety factors
Design values of actions—partial load factor combinations
Combination factors
Summary of combined factors: Persistent situations
Comparison of BS and Eurocode partial load factors
Design life

Actions on Structures
Permanent actions
Variable actions: Imposed floor loads
Typical unit floor and roof loadings
Typical ‘all up’ loads
Variable actions: Wind loading
Variable actions: Horizontal barrier loads
Minimum barrier heights
Eurocode combinations of actions for serviceability limit states
Typical deflection limits
Stability, robustness and disproportionate collapse
Robustness, accidental damage and disproportionate collapse
Disproportionate collapse requirements with British Standard clause References

Reinforced Concrete
Summary of material properties
Concrete mixes
Durability and fire resistance concrete durability
Preliminary sizing of concrete elements
Reinforced concrete design to BS EN 1992
Punching shear
Reinforced concrete column design charts
Reinforcement bar bending to BS 8666
Summary of differences with BS BS 8110: Concrete strength
Reinforcement Estimates

Structural Steel
Types of steel products
Mild steel section sizes and tolerances
Hot rolled section tables
Member axes and dimension notation
Effective length
Elastic properties of stainless-steel alloys for design
Durability and fire resistances
Fire resistance
Stainless-Steel design to BS EN 1993-1
Steel design to BS 449

Composite Steel and Concrete

Composite design to BS EN 1994
Composite plastic moment capacity for simply  supported beams
Composite flooring elements
Summary of material properties
Preliminary sizing of composite elements
Preliminary sizing
Approximate limits on holes in rolled steel beams

Timber and Plywood
Timber products
Summary of material properties
Sizes and processing of timber
Timber section sizes
Laminated timber products
Durability and fire resistance
Preliminary sizing of timber elements
Timber design to BS EN 1995
Modification factors
Timber joints
Summary of differences with BS 5268: Structural timber

Summary of material properties
Geometry and arrangement brick and block sizes
Durability and fire resistance
Preliminary sizing of masonry elements


Selection of foundations and retaining walls
Site investigation
Soil classification
Typical soil properties
Drained conditions, φ′ ?
Undrained conditions, φu =
Preliminary sizing
Quick estimate design methods for shallow foundations
Simplified equations for allowable bearing capacity after
Brinch Hansen
Quick estimate design methods for deep foundations
Introduction to geotechnical design to BS EN 1997

Structural Glass
Types of glass products
Typical glass section sizes and thicknesses
Durability and fire resistance
Typical glass sizes for common applications
Structural glass design
Friction grip connections
Bolted connections
Non-silicon adhesives
Structural silicones

Building Elements, Materials, Fixings and Fastenings
Basement waterproofing to BS 8102
Precast concrete hollowcore slabs
Bi-metallic corrosion
Fixings and fastenings
Cold weather working
Effect of fire on construction materials

Environmental indicators
Climate change predictions for the United Kingdom
Sustainability scenarios and targets
Sustainable building design priorities
Exposed slabs and thermal mass
Embodied energy
Construction waste
Reclaimed materials
Recycled materials
Design for demountability
Green materials specification
Toxicity, health and air quality
Sustainable timber
Cement substitutes
Sustainable aggregates

Useful Mathematics
Trigonometric relationships
Special triangles
Equations of curves
Standard differentials and integrals

Useful Addresses

Further Reading




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