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The Structural Basis of Architecture



This is a book about structures that shows students how to "see" structures as integral to architecture, and how knowledge of structures is the basis for understanding both the mechanical and conceptual aspects inherent to the art of building. Analyzing the structural principles behind many of the best known works of architecture from past and present alike, this book places the subject within a contemporary context.


  • ISBN: 9780415415453
  • Páginas: 409
  • Tamaño: 21x30
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2011

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido The Structural Basis of Architecture

This is a book about structures that shows students how to "see" structures as integral to architecture, and how knowledge of structures is the basis for understanding both the mechanical and conceptual aspects inherent to the art of building.

Analyzing the structural principles behind many of the best known works of architecture from past and present alike, this book places the subject within a contemporary context.

The subject matter is approached in a qualitative and discursive manner, and is illustrated by many photographs of architectural projects and structural behaviour diagrams. This new edition is revised and updated throughout, includes worked-out examples, and is perfect as either an introductory structures course text or as a designer’s sourcebook for inspiration.


  1. Structuring Space
  2. Statics
  3. Loads in an Architectural Context
  4. Materials
  5. The Tension Rod
  6. The Beam and the Slab
  7. The Column and the Wall
  8. The Truss and the Space Frame
  9. The Frame and Lateral Stability
10. The Cable and the Membrane
11. The Arch and the Vault
12. The Dome and the Shell

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