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Underground Infrastructure of Urban Areas Book + CD-ROM



Underground infrastructure (traffic and railway tunnels, water and sewage ducts, garages, and subways) is essential for urbanized areas, as they fulfill an important role in the transportation of people, energy, communication and water. Underground Infrastructure of Urban Areas is a collection of papers on the design, application, and maintenance of underground and subterranean systems, with a focus on geotechnical aspects and town planning issues. The topics covered include:


  • ISBN: 9780415486385
  • Páginas: 330
  • Tamaño: 17x24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2008

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Underground Infrastructure of Urban Areas Book + CD-ROM

Underground infrastructure (traffic and railway tunnels, water and sewage ducts, garages, and subways) is essential for urbanized areas, as they fulfill an important role in the transportation of people, energy, communication and water. Underground Infrastructure of Urban Areas is a collection of papers on the design, application, and maintenance of underground and subterranean systems, with a focus on geotechnical aspects and town planning issues. The topics covered include:

- Gas and potable water pipes;

- Underground storage reservoirs;

- Urban technical infrastructure and city management;

- Drainage system infrastructures;

- Micro tunnelling pipelines;

- Underground garages;

- Material structures;

- Road tunnels.

Underground Infrastructure of Urban Areas is of interest to academics, designers and builders of underground structures, manufacturers and suppliers of building materials and equipment, and to policy makers involved in managing and maintaining these structures.

Table of Contents

Scientific Committee/Reviewers


Problems of trenchless rehabilitation of pipelines situated under watercourses
T. Abel

Building on underground space awareness
J.B.M. Admiraal

New challenges in urban tunnelling: The case of Bologna Metro Line 1
G. Astore, S. Eandi & P. Grasso

Numerical analysis of the effect of composite repair on composite pipe structural integrity
A. Be?zowski & P. Stró?zyk

Repair of RC oil contaminated elements in case of infrastructure
T.Z. B?aszczy´nski

Modelling the behaviour of a micro-tunnelling machine due to steering corrections
W. Broere, J. Dijkstra & G. Arends

Trenchless replacement of gas and potable water pipes with new PA 12 pipes
applying the pipe bursting method

R. Buessing, A. Dowe, C. Baron & M. Rameil

Experiences with Polyamide 12 gas pipes after 2 years in operation at 24 bar and new possibilities for HDD
A. Dowe, C. Baron,W.Wessing, R. Buessing & M. Rameil

Simulation researches of pump-gravitational storage reservoir and its applicationin sewage systems
J. Dziopak & D. S?y´s

New developments in liner design due to ATV-M 127-2 and case studies
B. Falter

Concrete – durable composite in municipal engineering
Z. Giergiczny, T. Pu?zak & M. Soko?owski

Fly ash as a component of concrete containing slag cements
Z. Giergiczny &T. Pu?zak

Rehabilitation of road culverts on the equator. Implementation of innovative open cut and jacking/relining trenchless solutions
J.M. Joussin

Urban technical infrastructure and city management
W. Kaczkowski, K. Burska, H. Go?awska & K. Kasprzak

Maintenance of drainage system infrastructure in Butare Town, Rwanda
A. Karangwa

Contact zone in micro tunneling pipelines
A. Kmita & R. Wróblewski

Effect of variable environmental conditions on heavy metals leaching from concretes
A. Król

Design of the pipelines considering exploitative parameters
A. Kuliczkowski, E. Kuliczkowska & U. Kubicka

Management of sewer network rehabilitation using the mass service models
C. Madryas & B. Przyby?a

Utilizing the Impact-Echo method for nondestructive diagnostics of atypically ocated pipeline
C. Madryas, A. Moczko & L.Wysocki

Selected problems of designing and constructing underground garages in intensively urbanised areas
H. Michalak

Material structure of municipal wastewater networks in Poland in the period of 2000 to 2005
K. Miszta-Kruk, M. Kwietniewski, A. Osiecka & J. Parada

Two HDD crossings of the Harlem River in NewYork City
J.P. Mooney Jr. & J.B. Stypulkowski

Preliminary design for road tunnels on Trans-European Vc Corridor motorway, section Mostar North – South Border (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
I. Mustapi´c, D. Šari´c & M. Stankovi´c

Mapping the underworld to minimise street works
C.D.F. Rogers

Assumptions for optimization model of sewage system cooperating with storage reservoirs
D. S?y´s & J. Dziopak

Curvature jacking of centrifugally cast GRP pipes
U.Wallmann & D. Kosiorowski

Relining with large diameter GRP pipes

Underground infrastructure of historical cities as exceptionally valuable cultural heritage
M.Wardas, M. Pawlikowski, E. Zaitz & M. Zaitz

Author Index

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