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Cable supported bridges. concept and design



Fourteen years on from its last edition, Cable Supported Bridges: Concept and Design, Third Edition, has been significantly updated with new material and brand new imagery throughout. Since the appearance of the second edition


  • ISBN: 978-0-470-66628-9
  • Páginas: 600
  • Tamaño: 17z24
  • Edición:
  • Idioma: Inglés
  • Año: 2012

Compra bajo pedidoDisponibilidad: 15 a 30 Días

Contenido Cable supported bridges. concept and design

, the focus on the dynamic response of cable supported bridges has increased, and this development is recognised with two new chapters, covering bridge aerodynamics and other dynamic topics such as pedestrian-induced vibrations and bridge monitoring.

This book concentrates on the synthesis of cable supported bridges, suspension as well as cable stayed, covering both design and construction aspects. The emphasis is on the conceptual design phase where the main features of the bridge will be determined. Based on comparative analyses with relatively simple mathematical expressions, the different structural forms are quantified and preliminary optimization demonstrated. This provides a first estimate on dimensions of the main load carrying elements to give in an initial input for mathematical computer models used in the detailed design phase.

Key features:

    Describes evolution and trends within the design and construction of cable supported bridges
    Describes the response of structures to dynamic actions that have attracted growing attention in recent years
    Highlights features of the different structural components and their interaction in the entire structural system
    Presents simple mathematical expressions to give a first estimate on dimensions of the load carrying elements to be used in an initial computer input

This comprehensive coverage of the design and construction of cable supported bridges provides an invaluable, tried and tested resource for academics and engineers.


Preface to the Third Edition    


1 Evolution of Cable Supported Bridges

2 Cables

2.1 Basic Types of Cables
2.1.1 Helical bridge strands (spiral strands)
2.1.2 Locked-coil strands
2.1.3 Parallel-wire strands for suspension bridge main cables
2.1.4 New PWS stay cables
2.1.5 Parallel-strand stay cables
2.1.6 Bar stay cables
2.1.7 Multi-strand stay cables
2.1.8 Parallel-wire suspension bridge main cables
2.1.9 Comparison between different cable types
2.2 Corrosion Protection
2.2.1 Suspension bridge main cables
2.2.2 Stay cables
2.3 Mechanical Properties
2.3.1 Static strength
2.3.2 Relaxation
2.3.3 Fatigue strength
2.3.4 Hysteresis of helical strands
2.4 The Single Cable as a Structural Element
2.4.1 Transversally loaded cable
2.4.2 Axially loaded cable
2.5 Static Analysis of Cables
2.5.1 Equation of state for a cable subjected to vertical load
2.5.2 Stay cable under varying chord force
2.5.3 Limit length and efficiency ratio of a stay cable
2.6 Bending of Cables
2.7 Dynamic Behaviour of the Single Cable

3 Cable System

3.1 Introduction

3.1.1 Pure cable systems
3.1.2 Cable steel quantity comparison
3.1.3 Stability of the cable system
3.2 Suspension System
3.2.1 Dead load geometry
3.2.2 Preliminary cable dimensions
3.2.3 Quantity of cable steel
3.2.4 Quantity in the pylon
3.2.5 Total cost of cable system and pylon
3.2.6 Optimum pylon height
3.2.7 Size effect
3.2.8 Structural systems
3.3 Fan System
3.3.1 Anchor cable
3.3.2 Preliminary cable dimensions
3.3.3 Quantity of cable steel
3.3.4 Quantity in the pylon
3.3.5 Simplified expressions
3.3.6 Total cost of cable systems and pylons
3.3.7 Comparison between suspension and fan system
3.3.8 Inclined pylons
3.3.9 Deformational characteristics
3.3.10 Structural systems
3.3.11 Reduction of sag variations
3.4 Harp System
3.4.1 Dead load geometry
3.4.2 Intermediate supports
3.4.3 Preliminary cable dimensions
3.4.4 Quantity of cable steel
3.4.5 Quantity of the pylon
3.4.6 Simplified expressions
3.4.7 Total cost
3.4.8 Structural systems
3.5 Hybrid Suspension and Cable Stayed System
3.6 Multi-Span Cable System
3.6.1 True multi-span cable supported bridges
3.6.2 Non-traditional multi-span suspension bridges
3.6.3 Fixing of column-type pylons to piers
3.6.4 Triangular pylon structures
3.6.5 Horizontal tie cable between pylon tops
3.6.6 Comparison between deflections of different multi-span cable stayed systems
3.7 Cable Systems under Lateral Loading
3.8 Spatial Cable Systems
3.9 Oscillation of Cable Systems
3.9.1 Global oscillations

4 Deck (Stiffening Girder)

4.1 Action of the Deck
4.1.1 Axial stiffness
4.1.2 Flexural stiffness in the vertical direction
4.1.3 Flexural stiffness in the transverse direction
4.1.4 Torsional stiffness
4.2 Supporting Conditions
4.3 Distribution of Dead Load Moments
4.3.1 The dead load condition
4.4 Cross Section
4.4.1 Bridge floor
4.4.2 Cross section of the deck
4.4.3 Cross section of stiffening trusses
4.5 Partial Earth Anchoring
4.5.1 Limit of span length for self-anchored cable stayed bridges
4.5.2 Axial compression in the deck of the self anchored cable stayed bridge
4.5.3 Lateral bending of the deck
4.5.4 Partial earth anchoring of a cable stayed bridge
4.5.5 Improving the lateral stability
4.5.6 Construction procedure for partially earth anchored cable stayed bridges

5 Pylons

5.1 Introduction
5.2 Structural Behaviour of the Pylon
5.3 Pylons Subjected Primarily to Vertical Forces from the Cable System
5.4 Pylons Subjected to Longitudinal Forces from the Cable System
5.5 Cross Section
6 Cable Anchorage and Connection
6.1 Anchoring of the Single Strand
6.2 Connection between Cable and Deck
6.3 Connection between Main Cable and Hanger
6.4 Connection between Cable and Pylon
6.5 Connection between Cable and Anchor Block

7 Erection

7.1 Introduction
7.2 Construction of Pylons
7.3 Erection of Suspension Bridge Main Cables
7.4 Erection of Stay Cables
7.5 Deck Erection - Earth Anchored Suspension Bridges
7.6 Deck Erection - Self Anchored Cable Stayed Bridges

8 Aerodynamics

8.1 Historical Overview
8.1.1 Nineteenth-century bridge failures
8.1.2 Tacoma Narrows Bridge collapse
8.1.3 The Carmody Board
8.1.4 The Fyksesund Bridge
8.2 The Bridge Deck and Pylon
8.2.1 Torsional divergence
8.2.2 Coupled flutter
8.2.3 Buffeting
8.2.4 Vortex-shedding
8.2.5 Wind tunnel testing
8.2.6 During construction
8.2.7 Effects of vehicles
8.2.8 Pylon aerodynamics
8.2.9 Vibration control
8.2.10 Future trends
8.3 Cables
8.3.1 Introduction
8.3.2 Incidences of wind-induced cable vibrations
8.3.3 Rain-wind-induced vibrations
8.3.4 Dry galloping
8.3.5 Scruton number
8.3.6 Wake galloping
8.3.7 Aerodynamic countermeasures
8.3.8 Mechanical damping
8.3.9 Cable aerodynamic damping
8.3.10 Cross ties

9 Particular Issues

9.1 Pedestrian-Induced Vibrations
9.1.1 Lateral vibrations
9.1.2 Vertical vibrations
9.1.3 Serviceability limit states
9.1.4 Vibration control
9.2 Seismic Design
9.2.1 Earthquake intensity
9.2.2 Pylon design
9.2.3 Deck design
9.2.4 Foundations
9.2.5 Seismic analysis
9.3 Structural Health Monitoring
9.3.1 Equipment
9.4 Snow and Ice Removal and Prevention Systems
9.4.1 Mechanical removal
9.4.2 Thermal systems
9.4.3 Passive protection



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